Being Late
When the school bell is rung at 8.45 am, pupils enter the school grounds and go straight to their classroom area to prepare for school. There are early morning tasks for them to complete and they should then be ready for learning at their desks by 9 am.
At 8.55 am the playground doors to the classrooms are closed. Any child coming after this time is late and will need to access the school through the office. Children should therefore arrive before 8.55 am. Arriving late causes inconvenience to all but, more importantly, can be disruptive to learning, both to the child who is late and to those who are already settled in class.
If you know your child is going to be late, please call Mrs Kirsten in the school office on 01353 649271 or email, as early as possible.
Absence Procedures
If you wish to take your child out of school, please inform us as soon as possible. We encourage medical and dental appointments to be made outside of school hours where practicable. If you wish to request a leave of absence, please obtain the relevant Special Leave of Absence form from the school office . Should your child be absent due to a holiday or any other unauthorised reason you may receive a penalty notice. If your child is unwell and cannot come to school, please contact the school via the Studybugs app, emailing or calling the school office on 01353 649271 to let us know first thing in the morning. The school has a duty of care and needs to know why a child is off school; so we know the child is safe. If we have not heard why a child is not in school by 9.15 am, we will call parents (and then any other emergency contacts) to find out. If we cannot contact you, we may try to call the home address and, if still unsuccessful, we will report a missing child to the police.