Subject Leader: Mrs Spencer
Our aim is to spark children’s creativity through art, craft, and design, giving children a well rounded educational experience. We want to engage, inspire and challenge pupils, regardless of background, gender, ethnic origin or additional needs; equipping them with the knowledge and skills for future endeavours. We want them to use sketchbooks to record ideas, experimentations and represent the personality of the developing young artist. The curriculum is carefully planned to enable children to build on their knowledge and skills; key subject-specific vocabulary is built-on and developed throughout pupils’ time in school. We aspire for all children to be inspired when learning about the history and culture of art and design. We want all children to develop their own style and take pride in the work they create.
“Every Child is an artist.” (Pablo Picasso)
Please have a look at our progression document as a pdf above.
At Stretham Primary School, we encourage every child to 'make their mark'! As a whole school, we looked at The Dot by Peter H Reynolds to inspire the children at the beginning of the year to have a go, put pen/pencil/paintbrush to paper, and make their mark!
Stretham Art Gallery 2024:
This year our theme was 'A Collage of Colour'. Each class looked into the work of an artist who thought carefully about colour or were famous for using collage/mixed media to produce their work. These artists directly link with our curriculum and were chosen to deepen the children's learning. Our children learnt about the close connection between the use of colour and emotional effects they can have for the observer of a piece of artwork. Younger years did this by thinking about cold and warm colours (contrasting colours) and our older children were able to produce wonderfully, abstract paintings representing 'moods'.
All classes did a wonderful job - their work looked fantastic displayed in our gallery.
14 pieces were then selected for our Local Schools Exhibition Competition at the Babylon Gallery, Ely.
What did the parents think about our Stretham Art Gallery?
“I love it. Lots of new artists which is even better. It has expanded my knowledge!”
“All the children’s artwork is creative and wonderful to see.”
“Amazing! You can see the children tried really hard.”
“Absolutely love it – I’m really impressed.”
“My child has talked about it a lot, even over dinner!”
Curriculum Snapshot:
The children are working their way through our curriculum and they have already completed some fabulous work this year. Take a look below to see a flavour of what is being taught at Stretham!
What do our Children think about Art at Stretham?
“Nothing is really hard as you can do what you want in Art."
"We like using paints because IT’S MESSY!"
“You don’t have to worry about anything. Nothing bad happens in Art and if your picture is bad then you just get better next time by learning from it."
Christmas Craft Session:
This year was no exception to holding our traditional Christmas Craft session! Parents and carers were invited to enjoy a session of crafting and making of Christmas decorations with their child/ren. Once again it was a success and the decorations around school looked super!