
Stretham Community Primary School


Meet the Governors and Governor Vacancies

The school’s governing body is made up of parents, local people, staff at the school and appointees from the Local Authority. Their role is to oversee management of the school and set out the aims and objectives.


The core functions of governors are:

a. ensuring there is clarity of vision, ethos and strategic direction

b. holding executive leaders to account for the educational performance of the organisation and its pupils and the performance management of staff

c. overseeing the financial performance of the organisation and making sure its money is well spent

d. ensuring the voices of stakeholders are heard

(National Governance Assocation)

COULD YOU BE A GOVERNOR? We currently looking for new governors. You don't necessarily have to have children at, or connections to, the school, but maybe have skills such as finance, property, health and safety, HR etc, or just want to be proactive and involved in children's education. If you would like more information, or to arrange a chat with the Chair or visit to the school, please contact the Clerk. The leaflet below gives more information on community/co-opted governors. When there are vacancies for parent governors all parents are informed and nominations invited.

MEETINGS: The full governing body meets once a half-term. Please see the information section below for a list of this year's meeting dates. Other meetings are held by the Finance Committee and, when needed, by Working Parties. Governors are only too happy to discuss their role with parents and listen to suggestions, comments and concerns.


MINUTES: It is important that parents are informed about the governors’ work and decisions.  Therefore governing body minutes are available to view, on request, from the school office.

COMPLAINTS: The governing body can be required to respond to complaints about the school. However, it is appropriate for such matters to be brought to the headteacher’s attention in the first instance.

FINANCIAL BENCHMARKING: To find out more about the school's spending, please visit the Government's Schools Financial Benchmarking Service (click on the GOV.UK icon).  You can use this to look at expenditure on a variety of items including staff, premises and bills.



There are no employees at Stretham Community Primary School with a gross annual salary of £100,000 or more.

Any correspondence should be sent to the Clerk, Mrs. Trudie Davidson email: