
Stretham Community Primary School


Ladybird Class

Summer Term 2024

8th - 12th July 2024

1st  - 5th July 2024

24th - 28th June 2024

Can you carry on your learning at home?

International Mud Day 29th June: To celebrate this day can you do something muddy? Perhaps create a picture using mud instead of paint, can you make a delicious cake?, Can you create a mud man? Or perhaps make some mud balls and practise your target throwing?

(International Mud Day is celebrated every year on 29th June. It has become a global event that brings children from all over the world together to paly in the mud and raise awareness about the importance of cleanliness and access to sanitation).


In our Mathematics we have been continuing learning to count in 2's, 5's and 10's. Can you practice counting in these multiples?


Can you practise reading and spelling your 'Tricky' words and all of your learnt digraphs and trigraphs in you pouch. 

Please remember to look at your reading book and ask your grown-up to write a comment in your blue reading record booklet. 


Please remember to share your 'Home Learning' with us on your Seesaw account!

17th - 21st June 2024

Can you carry on your learning at home?

In PE we have been practising our running skills getting prepared for our school race day. Can you develop your running skills by practising running in a straight line.


In our Mathematics we have been continuing learning to read and make o'clock and half past times. Can you make a clock face and tell and read o'clock times. If you have got this mastered can you read and make half past times.


Can you practise reading and spelling your new 'Tricky' words?


Actions: Hold your left first finger out then curve your thumb and first finger on your right hand and swipe past making a capital D shape as you do so


Action: Using right hand wiggle/tap fingers on the side of your face (Cheek)


Action: Using fingers grasp your fingers together as if you are pulling an object from your head.


Action: Hands together. Open palms upwards then move apart

Please remember to look at your reading book and ask your grown-up to write a comment in your blue reading record booklet. 


Please remember to share your 'Home Learning' with us on your Seesaw account!

10th - 14th June 2024

Can you carry on your learning at home?

In PE we have been practising our running skills getting prepared for our school race day. Can you develop your running skills by practising running in a straight line.


In our Mathematics we have been learning to read and make o'clock and half past times. Can you make a clock face and tell and read o'clock times. If you have got this mastered can you read and make half past times.



Can you practise reading and spelling your 'Tricky' words and all of your learnt digraphs and trigraphs in you pouch. 

Please remember to look at your reading book and ask your grown-up to write a comment in your blue reading record booklet. 




Please remember to share your 'Home Learning' with us on your Seesaw account!

20th -24th May 2024

Can you carry on your learning at home?

During this week away from school please could you practise your new 'tricky' words...

were: Make waves with you hand. Then pretend to sneeze!

little: Pretend to hold something small using your thumb and first finger.

there: Create a fist with thumb out. Wave this fist.

one: Hold up first finger to show one.

and ensure that you can read the previous learnt 'tricky' words (Red Cards) and 'High Frequency' words (Green Cards) Remember that little but often is the best way of learning this words.


Also spend some time enjoying the buddle of books that have been sent home too.


13th -17th May 2024

Can you carry on your learning at home?

Can you develop your 'Fine Motor' skills by spending time practising your letter formation of 'v' and 'w'?

Formation of v: Down the neck and up the neck.

Formation of w: Down the wave, up the wave, down the wave, up the wave.

This week we have been developing our manual dexterity by unscrewing and re-screwing lids on various bottles, jars, tubs etc. Can you continue developing your manual dexterity?


In our Mathematics we have been revisiting our learning and naming of 2D and 3D shapes. Can you go on a shape hunt around your home and find some objects that are 2D shapes: triangles, circles, squares, rectangles and 3D shapes: Cube, Sphere, Cuboid, Cylinder.


This week we have been making and reading words that begin with Adjacent Consonants. Can you use your letters in your pouch to make/read the words:

twig, slug, scarf, flag, clap, drip, frog, grab, skip, smell, stop, swim, pram


Please remember to share your 'Home Learning' with us on your Seesaw account!

7th -10th May 2024

Can you carry on your learning at home?

In our Mathematics we have been adding three more. Can you use your toys, counting items to add three more to a small group? E.g. I have two bricks I'm going to add 3 more bricks I now have five bricks altogether. Perhaps you could write your add calculation e.g. 2+3=5.


Can you practise reading and spelling your 'Tricky' words and all of your learnt digraphs and trigraphs in you pouch. 

Please remember to look at your reading book and ask your grown-up to write a comment in your blue reading record booklet. 


Please remember to share your 'Home Learning' with us on your Seesaw account!

29th April -3rd May 2024

Can you carry on your learning at home?

Can you develop your 'Fine Motor' skills by spending time practising your letter formation of 'n' and 'm'?

Formation of n: Down the leaf, up and over the nut.

Formation of m: Down the fork, over the meatballs.

Can you continue your weaving skills learnt this week by use a cooling rack and weave ribbon/show laces/string etc up and down on the metal rack?


We have been observing our tadpoles very closely in our tank and in the pond. Can you talk to an adult about what changes you have seen so far? (Our tadpoles have got very large and have begun to grow back legs!)

You might like to watch this fund song clip on You tube.


In our Mathematics we have been building numbers of 15,15,17,18 and 19. Can you build representations of these numbers and then write the number?


Can you practise reading and spelling your 'Tricky' words and all of your learnt digraphs and trigraphs in you pouch. 

Please remember to look at your reading book and ask your grown-up to write a comment in your blue reading record booklet. 


Please remember to share your 'Home Learning' with us on your Seesaw account!

22nd -26th April 2024

Why do we Forest School in Ladybird Class at Stretham School?

Still image for this video
These are a few reasons why...
Confidence: Your children are increasing their self-confidence and self-belief from the freedom, time and space, to learn, grow and demonstrate independence.
Social skills: Your children are increase awareness of the consequences of their actions on other people, peers and adults, and are acquiring a better ability to work co-operatively with others.
Language and communication: Your children are developed more sophisticated uses of both written and spoken language prompted by their visual and sensory experiences at Forest School.
Motivation and concentration: Your children are keen to participate in exploratory learning and play activities as well as the ability to focus on specific tasks for extended periods of time.
Physical skills: Your children are developing physical stamina and their gross motor skills through free and easy movement round the Forest School site. They are developing fine motor skills by making objects and structures.
Knowledge and understanding: Your children are increasing their respect for the environment as well as an interest in their natural surroundings.

Can you carry on your learning at home?

Can you develop your 'Fine Motor' skills by spending time practising your letter formation of 'a' and 'd'?

Formation of a: Around the apple up the stalk and down the leaf.

Formation of d: Around the drum, up and down the stick.


We have been learning about the different parts of a plant. Can you name the different parts of a flower/plant (Petal, stem, roots, leaves)? Can you remember what each part does?

You might like to watch this fund song clip on You tube.


In our Mathematics we have been learning about position and direction. We enjoyed the book Rosie's walk by Pat Hutchins we then discuss the journey that Rosie and the fox took using the positional words: around, across, next to, on, under, over, past, behind, in-front. We then took a journey of our own and discussed our position and directs we took e.g. "I went over the box, walked along the path, went around the table, between the chairs, under the ladder and then next to the bin. Can you take a short journey around your garden/house and use positional language. Maybe you could extend your learning by drawing a map of your journey like we did in class and show someone in your family!


Can you also practise reading and spelling your new 'Tricky' words: 'have', 'like', 'come' and 'some'. 

Please remember to look at your reading book and ask your grown-up to write a comment in your blue reading record booklet. 


Please remember to share your 'Home Learning' with us on your Seesaw account!

16th-19th April 2024

Can you carry on your learning at home?

Can you develop your 'Fine Motor' skills by spending time practising your letter formation of 'b' and 'd'?

Formation of b: Down the bat, up and around the ball.

Formation of d: Around the drum, up and down the stick.


In our Mathematics we have been building numbers of 11,12,13 and 14. Can you build representations of these numbers and then write the number?


We have been learning to recognise and name vowels (a,e,i,o,u) We have also been learning the letters that are not vowels are called consonants. Can you say which letters are vowels and which are consonants?

Please remember to spend time looking at your collect of reading books that have been sent home with you over this half term break. Please remember to get a grown-up to write a comment in your blue reading record booklet. 


Please remember to share your 'Home Learning' with us on your Seesaw account!

Spring Term 2024

Link to parent view is: Ofsted Parent View


18th-28th March 2024

Can you carry on your learning at home?

Can you develop your 'Gross Motor' skills by spending time on your scooter or bike. If your confident on your scooter/bike can you follow an obstacle course.


Can you continue your learning about joining materials by creating some great junk models. N.B Please talk to your child whilst doing this. "Is this the best way to join this tube and box together? What would happen if I used glue/sellotape/flange/slotting/split pin/stapling/string etc.


In our Mathematics we have been revising our learning of number recognition. Can you write numbers 0-20 on pieces of paper. Can you then sequence them in the correct order? NB if child is confident in sequencing number 1-20 challenge them to sequence the numbers starting with 20-0.


We have been focusing and recapping our learnt of digraphs: ai, oa, oo, ee, oi. Can you keep practising these until you can recognise them confidently. NB to challenge your child your could use your other cards to make words to read and write: rain, pain, tail, mail, toad, raod, goat, moat, boat, moon, spoon, food, foot, meet, feet, weep, coin, boil, foil, soil.

Please remember to spend time looking at your collect of reading books that have been sent home with you over this half term break. Please remember to get a grown-up to write a comment in your blue reading record booklet. 


Please remember to share your 'Home Learning' with us on your Seesaw account!

Week Beginning 11th March 2024

Can you carry on your learning at home?

In our PD sessions we have been developing our 'fine' motor skills. By removing elastic bands from trapped dinosaurs! Can you ask your grown-up to trap one of your toys in a web of elastic bands? NB to make it more tricky for your child. add more bands and twist the bands around the toy.


In our Mathematics we have been learning about time. can you recite the days of the week in order? NB to challenge your child ask them questions e.g. which day comes after Wednesday... Which day comes before Saturday etc. There are lots of lovely stories which have the days of the week e.g.

(Mrs Honey's Hat)

(Mr Wolf's Week)    or

(The Very Hungry Caterpillar)


This week we have been focusing and recapping our learnt trigraphs: igh, ear, air, ure. Can you keep practising these until you can recognise them confidently. NB to challenge your child your could use your other cards to make words to read and write: hair, fair, lair, pair, tear, near, fear, beard, light, high, fight, night, pure, picture, manure, cure.

Please remember to look at your reading book and ask your grown-up to write a comment in your blue reading record booklet. 


Please remember to share your 'Home Learning' with us on your Seesaw account!

Week Beginning 4th March 2024

Can you carry on your learning at home?

In our Art session we have been creating 3D transient art using loose parts. Can you create your own piece of transient art? ('Transient' art is not fixed or permanent)


In our Mathematics we have been using the vocabulary 'long', 'longer', 'longest', 'short', 'shorter' and 'shortest' when comparing the length. Can you lay out some objects and describe the length of the objects. Remember to use the correct vocabulary rather  that big and small.


Please practise all your learnt sounds and words in your pouch.

Please remember to look at your reading book and ask your grown-up to write a comment in your blue reading record booklet. 


Please remember to share your 'Home Learning' with us on your Seesaw account!

Week Beginning 26th February 2024

Can you carry on your learning at home?

In our Art next week we are going to create child-led collages. Can you make a collage? Perhaps your grown up could set up a work station for you e.g. Mixed media scraps such as crepe paper, fabric, tissue paper, corrugated card, magazines, ribbon, string/wool, foil etc. Glue stick, PVA glue, sticky tape, scissors and a piece of paper or card which you can work upon.


This week we commenced our learning about 'Dinosaurs'...

Can you remember what a carnivore dinosaur would eat?

Can you remember what a herbivore dinosaur would eat?

Can you remember what an omnivore dinosaur would eat?


In our Mathematics we have been continuing our learning of recognising numbers 7,8 & 9 how many ways can you represent these numbers. Listen, watch and discuss this book 'I spy numbers' off Youtube: 


Over the next fortnight we are going to revisit our phonic learning so far. Please practise all your learnt phonics, tricky words etc. I shall be checking your knowledge over the next week.

Please remember to look at your reading book and ask your grown-up to write a comment in your blue reading record booklet. 


Please remember to share your 'Home Learning' with us on your Seesaw account!

Week Beginning 12th February 2024

Can you carry on your learning at home?

In our Forest schooling session this week the children had the opportunity to create their own natural paintbrush. Can you create a paint brush with objects to find outside? What will you use for the handle? What will you use for the bristles? 


In our Mathematics we have been continuing our learning of pattern we have been learning about and creating 'A,B,B' patterns can you create a 'A,B,B' pattern and repeat it? Perhaps you could use some objects from around your home. E.g. spoon (A), fork (B), fork (B), spoon (A), fork (B), fork (B), or maybe it could be out of coloured blocks/Lego e.g. red (A), yellow (B), red (A), yellow (B),yellow (B).


Please practise your newly learnt trigraph: 'ure' and newly learnt digraph: 'er'. Remember a trigraph is three letters that make one sound and a diagraph is two letters that make one sound.

Can you also practise reading and spelling your new 'Tricky' words: 'all' and 'are'. 

Please remember to look at your reading book and ask your grown-up to write a comment in your blue reading record booklet. 


Please remember to share your 'Home Learning' with us on your Seesaw account!

Week Beginning 5th February 2024

Can you carry on your learning at home?

This week we have been creating 'Abstract' art work by listening to different styles of music. Can you make your paintbrush dance on the paper to the music? What colour will you choose to use? Do you need to mix two colours together to make a new colour? 


In our Mathematics we have been learning and creating 'A,B' patterns can you create a 'A,B' pattern and repeat it? Perhaps you could use some objects from around your home. E.g. spoon (A), fork (B), spoon (A), fork (B) or maybe it could be out of coloured blocks/Lego e.g. red (A), blue (B), red (A), blue (B).


Please practise your newly learnt trigraphs: 'air' and 'ear'. Remember a trigraph is three letters that make one sound.

Can you also continue practising reading and spelling your 'Tricky' words. 

Please remember to look at your reading book and ask your grown-up to write a comment in your blue reading record booklet. 


Please remember to share your 'Home Learning' with us on your Seesaw account!

Week Beginning 29th January 2024

Learning to tie a 'Granny' knot.

Still image for this video

Can you carry on your learning at home?

This week we have been continuing our learning of  tying knots. Can you continue your learning by practising tying 'Granny Knots'. 


In our Mathematics we have been continuing our number learning of number 10. Can you practise counting and writing the number 10. 


Please practise your newly learnt digraphs: 'ow' and 'oi'. Remember a digraph is two letters that make one sound.

Can you also practise reading and spelling your new 'Tricky' word: 'here'. 

Please remember to look at your reading book and ask your grown-up to write a comment in your blue reading record booklet. 



Please remember to share your 'Home Learning' with us on your Seesaw account!

Week Beginning 22nd January 2024

Can you carry on your learning at home?

This week in our forest schooling session we have been practising tying knots. Can you continue your learning by practising tying 'Granny Knots'. We shall need this knot to tie our aprons for cooking this week! 


In our Mathematics we have been continuing our number learning of number 9. Can you practise counting and writing the number 9. 


Please practise your newly learnt digraphs: 'ur' and 'or'. Remember a digraph is two letters that make one sound.

Can you also practise reading and spelling your new 'Tricky' words: 'you', 'they' and 'said'. 

Please remember to look at your reading book and ask your grown-up to write a comment in your blue reading record booklet. 


Please remember to share your 'Home Learning' with us on your Seesaw account!

Week Beginning 15th January 2024

Can you carry on your learning at home?

This week we continued our learning of our topic 'Chinese New Year'. We learnt about they clean in preparation of their New Year. During our Physical motor skill sessions we practised using a dust pan and brush. Can you continue your learning by practising using a dustpan and brush. 


Please practise your newly learnt digraphs: 'oo' and 'ar'. Remember a digraph is two letters that make one sound. 

Please remember to look at your reading book and ask your grown-up to write a comment in your blue reading record booklet. 


Please remember to share your 'Home Learning' with us on your Seesaw account!

Week Beginning 8th January 2024

Can you carry on your learning at home?

This week we began our new topic 'Chinese New Year'. We begun by looking at a world map. We identified land and water. Can you point to the land and the water (Oceans)? We also identified where the United Kingdom and China. We discussed how we would travel from United Kingdom to China. 


Please practise your new digraph: 'oa'. Remember a digraph is two letters that make one sound. Can you also practise reading and spelling your new 'Tricky' word: 'my'.

Please remember to look at your reading book and ask your grown-up to write a comment in your blue reading record booklet. 


In our Mathematics we have been learning about the mean of zero. Provide equipment for throwing or a rolling game such as skittles, soft toys and buckets. Encourage your child to notice when they knock over
zero skittles or when zero soft toys land inside the bucket. Prompt your child to record their score.


Please remember to share your 'Home Learning' with us on your Seesaw account!

Week Beginning 18th December 2023

Week Beginning 11th December 2023

Can you carry on your learning at home?

This coming week we are going to have ago at making paper snowflakes using our Mathematical and creative skills by folding paper circles and cutting triangles. Can you make a paper snowflake?


Please practise your new trigraph: 'igh'. Remember a trigraph is three letters that make one sound. Keep practising reading and spelling your 'Tricky' words.

Please remember to look at your reading book and ask your grown-up to write a comment in your blue reading record booklet. 


Can you practise correctly writing the number 8. Number 8 starts as a 'S' letter then you continue on to join the ends without taking your pen off. 


Please remember to share your 'Home Learning' with us on your Seesaw account!

Week Beginning 4th December 2023

Can you carry on your learning at home?

Please practise your new diagraphs: 'ai' and 'ee'. Remember a digraph is two letters that make one sound. Can you practise your newly learnt tricky words: 'was'.

Please remember to look at your reading book and ask your grown-up to write a comment in your blue reading record booklet. 


Can you get creative and make some repeating colour pattern paperchains to decorate your house like we did at school.


Please remember to share your 'Home Learning' with us on your Seesaw account!

Week Beginning 20th November 2023

Can you carry on your learning at home?

Can you get creative by using your learnt joining skills (Using paperclips, split pins, sellotape, glue, tying, slotting or flanging) to create a junk model?


Please practise your new diagraphs: 'th' and 'ch'. Remember a digraph is two letters that make one sound. Keep practising reading and spelling your 'Tricky' words.

Please remember to look at your reading book and ask your grown-up to write a comment in your blue reading record booklet. 


Can you practise correctly writing the number 6. Number 6 goes down the crocodiles tail then around. Can you go on a shape hunt and find any things/items that are a circle or triangle shape?


Please remember to share your 'Home Learning' with us on your Seesaw account!

Week Beginning 13th November 2023


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Still image for this video

Can you carry on your learning at home?

Can you get creative by getting your paints out. Can you remember which two primary colours make green? Which two primary colours make orange? Which two colours make purple?


Please practise your new diagraphs: 'qu' and 'sh'. Remember a digraph is two letters that make one sound. Can you practise reading our new 'Tricky' words: be, me & we?

Please remember to look at your reading book and ask your grown-up to write a comment in your blue reading record booklet. 


Can you practise correctly writing your numbers 1-5. Remember number one is a straight line from top to bottom and number 5 goes down first (down the Kangaroos neck) then around (around the Kangaroos tummy/pouch) then take your pen off and go across the top. (draw from ear to nose)


Please remember to share your 'Home Learning' with us on your Seesaw account!

Week Beginning 6th November 2023

Can you carry on your learning at home?

Can you get creative and make a firework picture? What will you use?


Please practise your new phonemes: y, z. Can you practise reading our new 'Tricky' words: he & she?

Please remember to look at your reading book and ask your grown-up to write a comment in your blue reading record booklet. 


In our Mathematics we have been learning one less than a given number. Can you roll a dice, count the spots and then say one less than the amount on the dice? You could use objects to match the number rolled on the dice and then hide/remove one to workout one less.


Please remember to share your 'Home Learning' with us on your Seesaw account!

Week Beginning 30th October 2023

Creating a Dragon sneeze with a fire steel.

Still image for this video

Creating Dragon sneezes with a fire steel.

Still image for this video

Can you carry on your learning at home?

In our Creative Development sessions this week we have been learning about different ways in which we can join materials together. Can you continue practising these techniques you have learnt.

Glue Stick: Can you join pieces of paper or card together using a glue stick to join two pieces of paper together make sure to use enough and pressing hard enough.

Tape: Can you use tape to join two pieces of paper and/or card together.

Split pins: Place the piece of paper/card you want to join on top of a tick piece of card (or sticky tack). Push the split pin through to make a hole (or use a pencil). Repeat with the other piece of paper/card. Line up the two holes and push the pin through fully, opening it at the other side.

Clip: Can you use a paper clip to join two pieces of paper and/or card together?

Tie: Can you tie two pieces of thicker card together by wrapping string around them repeatedly and tucking the ends in. Test what happens if you do this with thin paper. What happens to the paper? 

Please practise your new phonemes: j, v, w, x remember not to add an 'u' sound on the end! Please remember to look at your reading book and ask your grown-up to write a comment in your blue reading record booklet. 


In our Mathematics we have been learning one more than a given number. Can you roll a dice, count the spots and then say one more than the amount on the dice? You could use objects to match the number rolled on the dice and then add one more.


Please remember to share your 'Home Learning' with us on your Seesaw account!

Week Beginning 16th October 2023

Can you carry on your learning at home?

To develop your hand muscle strength can you use a rolling pin to roll some dough and then cut some shapes using a cutter. Remember when rolling to try and keep it the same thickness.


Please practise all your new phonemes and green words in your pouch. Perhaps you could play a game of Snap.


In our Mathematics we have been learning to write the numbers 1,2,3 perhaps you could practise writing these numbers using your pens, chalk, in flour on a table top. Could you be creative and make these numbers our of breakfast cereal, stones etc.


Please remember to share your 'Home Learning' with us on your Seesaw account!

Week Beginning 9th October 2023

Week Beginning 2nd October 2023

Can you carry on your learning at home?

To develop your hand muscle strength can you stretch elastic bands over a tin can?


In our Phonics Sessions the children have been learning to recognise and read the words: 'I', 'go', 'no' and 'of'. Can you practise reading these words by playing a game of pairs?


In our Mathematics we have been learning to subitise numbers 1,2,3 (to instantly recognising the number of objects or items in a group without needing to count them). NB It is important that they see the dots or other objects in different arrangements so that they don’t think a number representation such as 3 always appears in the same way.


Please remember to share your 'Home Learning' with us on your Seesaw account!

Can you carry on your learning at home?

In our PD (Physical Development) To self register in our Forest Schooling session the children have to peg their picture onto the washing line. Can you practise this independence of using a peg by hanging some socks on the washing.


In our Phonics Sessions the children have been learning to recognise and read the words: 'to' and 'the'. Can you practise reading and writing these words by drawing it with chalk and then using a paint brush and water to trace over?


In our Understanding the world sessions we have been looking at signs of Autumn. Can you go on a walk and look for signs of Autumn? 


Please remember to share your 'Home Learning' with us on your Seesaw account!

Week Beginning 25th September 2023

Can you carry on your learning at home?

In our PD (Physical Development) we have been developing our scissor skills by cutting along straight lines.

Can you practise your scissor skills by cutting along a marked straight line. 

Top Tips: Make sure that pupils know to put their fingers in the (often larger) hole on the bottom of the scissors and to keep their thumb on top. Place a sticker on the child’s thumb to remind them to keep their thumbnail facing up at all times. They should be able to see the sticker as they cut. Ensure that pupils keep their elbow in at their side as they use the scissors. Children will often start to stick their elbow out as they cut, making it very difficult to have full control over the movement of the scissors. Tip: Place a piece of paper or card between the child’s elbow and the side of their body. If they move their elbow out, the paper/card will drop and they will know that their arm has moved too far away from their side.


In our Phonics Sessions the children have been learning to recognise and write the letters: g,o,c,k.


In our Mathematic sessions we have been matching objects. Could you play a game of pairs either with a card game or some objects you have found/collected


Please remember to share your 'Home Learning' with us on your Seesaw account!

Week Beginning 18th September 2023

Our second full week as Ladybird Class. All the children have quickly settled into school life.

Can you carry on your learning at home?

In our PD (Physical Development) we have been developing our fine motor skills by using our pincer grip to thread small beads.

Can you practise threading beads or buttons onto a lace/string? 


In our Phonics Sessions the children have been learning to recognise and write the letters: i,n,m,d.


In our Art sessions we used felt-tip pens to create interesting marks e.g. zig-zags, wobbly lines, straight lines, dots, dashes, circles, hashing etc..

Can you use either felt-pens, crayons, pencils to create some interesting marks?


Please remember to share your 'home learning' with us on your Seesaw account!

Week Beginning 11th September 2023

What a very busy week the children in Ladybird Class they have been very busy learning their new school routine, jobs and learning.

Can you carry on your learning at home?

In our PD (Physical Development) we have been developing our independence to carry our tray in the lunch hall.

Can you practise carrying a tray with items? 


In our Phonics Sessions the children have been learning to recognise and write the letters: s,p,n,t.


In our PSHE sessions we started to talk about ways in which each of us is special "In all of the world, I'm the only me..."Don't for get to create your box 'about me' to share in class.


Please remember to share your 'home learning' with us on your Seesaw account!

Week Beginning 4th September 2023
