
Stretham Community Primary School



PSA (Parent Staff Association)


All parents and staff are members of the PSA! 

The PSA has raised money for the new climbing equipment on the field.  Thank you – the children love it!



Events enjoyed recently…


Christmas Film Night - Thursday 8th December 2022

Christmas Disco - Friday 16th December 2022


If you can help with any future events, or have ideas for others, please do get in touch!


PSA Committee
The committee is made up of 4 key officers (Chair, Vice-Chair, Treasurer and Secretary) and up to 10 other committee members. Members are elected annually at the AGM which is usually held in the first half of the Autumn Term.

The Committee meet on a regular basis usually once or twice per term, with smaller working groups meeting as necessary to organise larger events.


The committee officers for 2022/23
Rachael Partridge – Chair
Sian Nicholls - Vice Chair

Jocelyn Thompson - Clerk

Hannah Lazarus - Treasurer


How We Raise Money
The majority of our funds are raised through the events that we run. Some of our most popular events are the Christmas and Summer Fairs, Discos, Film Nights  and the Annual Sponsored Walk to Little Thetford (and back).   We are always keen to try new events that will provide entertainment, enjoyment and of course, raise funds from which they will benefit. Some fun events we have run recently include: a bingo evening, a family quiz night and a mini-triathlon.


The PSA is a registered charity, we are able to raise money through gift aid and charity matched giving schemes. We also rely heavily on donations from parents be it time, raffle prizes or skills to help stage a particular event.

How We Spend the Money We Raise
Decisions on what to spend funds on are made in liaison with staff, children (via the school council) and the PSA committee. We use the funds to purchase the ‘extras’ not provided by the school budget. Recently, the PSA has helped fund the new playground equipment, has purchased a set of laptops and trolley for classroom use, equipped every classroom with a visualiser and installed a new projector and screen in the school hall.

Over the past years the PSA has also funded many other things:

  • An annual Christmas pantomime: in 2018 the whole school went to see the panto at Ely Maltings
  • Art and craft resources for Christmas
  • A book bag for each new pupil starting school in Reception
  • A book for each child leaving Year 6
  • Picnic benches for the playground
  • National Trust membership for the school
  • Ice creams for the children on Sports Day
  • Easter eggs for the children
  • A SATs breakfast for Year 6 children


How Can You Get Involved

There are lots of ways you can help and support your child through the PSA.
Offering to help before events or at other times during the year is so valuable – it really is a case of ‘many hands make light work’. We always welcome new committee members or you can come and support us at the AGM where you will have the opportunity to give us your ideas for fundraising events, ask any questions or voice your own opinion.

