
Stretham Community Primary School


Hedgehog Class

Spring Term 2025

Useful Information

Week Beginning 13th January 2025


A few highlights from our week in Hedgehog Class include:

~ rolling and manipulating paper to create 3D sculptures in Art

~ working in groups to represent numbers 1-20 using our bodies in Maths

~ combining forwards and backwards commands to programme the Beebots in Computing

~ enjoying a welly-walk to spot signs of winter as part of our Science and Geography (we also wrote excellent recounts of our walk in an English lesson).

A busy week with lots of hard work and determination!

Week Beginning 6th January 2025


Welcome back and a very happy new year to you all!


A productive first week back for Hedgehog Class with lots of super learning.  In Maths, we have been securing numbers up to 20 and thinking about all the different ways the numbers can be represented.

We started our new topic about animals this week in Science.  We had good fun sharing our prior knowledge and then we thought about similarities between different animals.  It was a real surprise to some of us that humans are animals too!

Autumn Term 2024

Week Beginning 9th December 2024


It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas!

Week Beginning 2nd December 2024


Rehearsals for this year's KS1 Nativity have been in full swing this week. We've also managed to squeeze in some learning - exploring 2D shapes in Maths, reading, phonics, spelling and handwriting practice, revisiting what a simple sentence needs and learning all about the Great Fire of London in History.

Week Beginning 25th November 2024


In Maths this week, we have been exploring 3D shapes.  In Science, we carried out an investigation to decide which material would make the best towel for bear.  We had to think carefully about what properties are needed to make a good towel.  It was also time to begin some festivities this week with the very enjoyable Christmas Craft afternoon and decorating our own Hedgehog Class Christmas tree! 

Friday 22nd November 2024


It was finally here - Superhero Day! smiley Hedgehog Class have had a brilliant day enjoying all sorts of activities - designing and making superhero accessories, small world play, games, dance and role play.  Who doesn't love being a superhero for the day!?  

Week Beginning 11th November 2024


It's certainly been a busy week in Hedgehog Class!  A few highlights include:

~ visiting both war memorials and the beautiful display in Jubilee Gardens to mark Armistice Day.

~ the Butterflies group cooking potatoes and making slides at Forest School.

~ enjoying a variety of stories and activities to celebrate Kindness Week, including listening to the story 'The Lonely Beast', by Chris Judge; we wrote about what we would do to be kind to the beast.

~ carrying out an investigation in Science to answer the question 'Does it float or sink?' for various classroom objects.

~ marking the occasion Children in Need 2024.

Week Beginning 4th November 2024


We started this week by learning about Diwali, the 5-day Festival of Lights.  After listening to the story of Rama and Sita, we made Diya lamps from clay.  At Forest School, the Froglets group enjoyed preparing and cooking potatoes with grated cheese. Delicious!


Week Beginning 21st October 2024


A huge well done to Hedgehog Class for a super first half term! The children really have risen to the challenges of Year 1 with effort and enthusiasm - so many successes, big and small, for everyone.  This week has been no exception with lots of fantastic learning.  We went on a 'welly walk' to spot signs of Autumn, used our observation skills to draw pumpkins and add colour using pastels, explored pulse and rhythm with percussion instruments and created some very sweet animal leaf pictures, to name but just a few of the activities we enjoyed.  Happy half term everyone!

Week Beginning 14th October 2024


In Science, we have been learning about everyday materials.  This week we were thinking about different objects and what materials were used to make them and then we started to consider the properties of different materials.

In Maths, we have been continuing with addition and identifying all the number bonds to 10.  Now we need to learn them, so we know them off by heart, because they are so useful!

Week Beginning 7th October 2024


It was a very exciting start to the week with our sponsored event and visiting athlete, Sean Rose. Well done everyone for taking part with such enthusiasm!  We also enjoyed designing outfits for Traction Man this week and taking him on some adventures around the classroom.  In Maths, we were building and writing addition number sentences.

Week Beginning 30th September 2024


Lots of fantastic learning this week in Hedgehog Class - so much to be proud of.  A few highlights include:

~ writing some narrative sentences about the terrible things Evil Pea has been doing to the veggies (don't worry Supertato was always ready to come to the rescue!)

~ using number lines to compare and order numbers

~ identifying, naming and exploring various everyday materials in Science.

Week Beginning 23rd September 2024.


Lots more exciting learning this week in Hedgehog Class.  Both Groups 1 and 2 have now enjoyed their first Forest School sessions.  Group 1 are newly renamed 'Froglets' as there were quite a few hopping around the fire circle and Group 2 are now named 'Butterflies' as we saw lots of these flying around the trees.  Both groups have had the chance to play some nature inspired games, create hedgehogs from natural materials and snack on seasonal treats (such as apples and blackberries) as well as enjoy all the usual favourites such as digging, building dens, hunting for minibeasts, and making 'tasty' treats in the mud kitchen.  This week, Froglets hunted for conkers and had the opportunity to prepare them ready for a game of conkers in our newly renamed 'Conkarena'.  We ended both our sessions with a lovely sing song, with Mr Froment on guitar!

Week Beginning 16th September 2024


It's been a week packed full of Superhero activities!


In History, we have been learning about Florence Nightingale - a famous nurse and real-life hero.  We learnt that she was known as 'The Lady with the Lamp' because she checked on her patients late at night carrying an oil lamp.  We used our cutting and sticking skills to make our own lamps. 


In English lessons this week, we really enjoyed the book 'Super Daisy and the Peril of Planet Pea' by Kes Gray and Nick Sharrat.  This inspired us to write about Daisy's amazing superpowers. We also enjoyed lots of other activities related to the story, including making peas out of playdough! Take a look at the photos and see for yourself! smiley

Week Beginning 9th September 2024


Welcome to the Hedgehog Class webpage!


We've had a brilliant week exploring and learning in our new classroom.  A few highlights include:

~ counting and sorting objects in Maths.

~ practising our number formation outside with chalk.

~ reading 'Here We Are: Notes for Living on Planet Earth' by Oliver Jeffers and writing about ourselves and the things we can do and see on our planet.

~ talking about all the different emotions we have and how we can represent them with colours.


It's been a busy week and we are definitely ready for a rest. Happy weekend!

Week beginning: 15th July 2024

We had a really busy start to the week, learning all about our bodies and how to keep ourselves clean and well.

We then had great fun exploring our senses...

On Thursday, we used our senses as we went on our last seasonal walk around Stretham. We spotted lots of signs of summer and ended our year together with a fun time on the rec, enjoying the field, the playground and a very welcome choc-ice!

Thank you for a BRILLIANT year everyone! We have been so busy, learned so much and had such a lot of fun together! Have a wonderful summer holiday everyone!

Week beginning: 8th July 2024

We have been very busy in Maths this week, learning all about money! We have learned the value of each coin and been adding up different amounts too.

On Tuesday, we had a wonderful final visit of the year to Forest School! So much fun was had (and quite alot of mud enjoyed! Sorry parents!).

On Thursday, we all enjoyed our sponsored walk to Little Thetford! We all walked so well, stopping for a drink and biscuit when we got there and then turned round and walked back! A delicious cake was waiting for us on our return! We hope we raised lots of money for the school! Thank you everyone!

Week beginning: 1st July 2024

Having watched our caterpillars transform into a chrysalis, this week we saw them fly away as butterflies! It has been wonderful to watch and learn!

In Science this week we have been learning all about carnivores, herbivores and omnivores. We sorted animals according to what they eat!

We have also been learning about 'Reptiles' this week, our final animal group. In English we read the story 'The Selfish Crocodile' and wrote letters to the animals from Crocodile to apologise and invite them back to the river. We are very good now at checking our own writing to make sure we have used capital letters and full stops, as well as checking our spellings.

Week beginning: 24th June 2024

We had a fabulous time at Forest School on Tuesday, with Mrs Connolly and Mr Froment! We explored the area, looking carefully for different minibeasts and made s'mores on the fire! Yum!

In Maths, we have been learning about place value to 100. We spent time looking closely at number lines, working out the missing numbers.

What a lovely hot week to enjoy a cool swim! It has been so refreshing to splash and enjoy the pool!

Week beginning: 17th June 2024

What a glorious day we had on Thursday at South Angle Farm, in Soham. The weather couldn't have been better, the children were enthralled and so well behaved and Zoe, our farm guide, was great fun! We learned so much to reinforce our learning about animal groups. It was a very special day at the end of our year together! Look at these photos to see how much we crammed into the day!

Week beginning: 10th June 2024

This week Hedgehogs have been learning about the animal group 'fish'! In English, we have read 'The Rainbow Fish' and 'Rainbow Fish to the Rescue.' We compared both stories realising the theme of kindness is in both. On Friday, we wrote our own ending to a Rainbow Fish story; our vocabulary and descriptive phrases are very impressive!

In out Art unit, collage and sculpture, we enjoyed collaging our own Rainbow Fish!

Hedgehogs had a wonderful time swimming this week! We are all so confident in the water and have been practising our kicking and front crawl arms.

We had wonderful time pond dipping at Forest School on Tuesday too! Did we find any fish in our pond? 

Week beginning: 3rd June 2024

We hope you all had a wonderful half term! Everyone has come back refreshed and ready for another busy half term of learning! We have really enjoyed playing lots of different phonics games this week, becoming more and more confident at recognising and blending the digraphs and trigraphs. 

In Science, we have started learning about the different animal groups. This week, it has been BIRDS! Ask us about the features of birds - we can tell you lots of important facts! In our Art lesson, we started our new unit - sculpture and collage; we all made our own 3D model bird; we had to make sure they had the scientific features of birds (a beak, 2 eyes, 2 legs, 2 wings and feathers) and they look amazing!

In Maths, we have now finished our unit on fractions; we have learned about QUARTERS and have been finding a quarter of different shapes and quantities.

Week beginning: 20th May 2024

This week we have read the book 'Gregory Cool' by Caroline Binch. We have really enjoyed reading a book that is set in a different country - a contrasting country to the UK. We have thought about the feelings of Gregory, who went out to visit his Grandparents in Tobago, and how they change in the time he spends there.

We then wrote postcards as if we were Gregory, writing to our parents to tell them all about our holiday.

On Tuesday, we had a wonderful time at Forest School, making popcorn on the fire and planting sunflower seeds, to support out Science learning.

Week beginning: 13th May 2024

In Geography this week, we had great fun locating the UK on different maps, atlases and globes.

In DT, we have finished making our model windmills. They are brilliant and all of them fulfil the design criteria: able to stand up on their own, have three parts, and have sails that turn!

Week beginning: 6th May 2024

Hedgehogs are really enjoying our PE unit 'net and wall games'; we are learning lots of ball and racket skills.

We have really enjoyed reading some Katie Morag stories; this week we compared the two Granny characters, using lots of adjectives. We then wrote character profiles about each one, using our punctuation and spelling knowledge as well as some of the adjectives we had collected.

In Computing, we have been learning about how we must be careful sharing information about ourselves online.

Week beginning: 29th April 2024

Another busy week in Hedgehog Class!

The week started with a visit from Tim from Rhythmicity! He did an amazing drumming workshop with us, called 'Sammy the Spider'. We listened carefully, followed instructions and really enjoyed playing the instruments to different rhythms and dynamics.