
Stretham Community Primary School


Wren Class

Summer Term Curriculum Overview

Summer Term Curriculum Overview

Summer Term Homework Menu

WB Monday 20th May, 2024.


To all the wonderful parents, carers and pupils of Wren Class - thank you so much for being so amazing! I have absolutely loved teaching in Year 3 this year and will never forget all your kindness and support. You are truly phenomenal and I look forward to hearing all your news from Mrs Hawes and Miss Gordon. 


Have a wonderful half-term holiday and enjoy the rest of the year!


Mrs Tait 

Peg treat using the Year R outdoor area!

WB Monday 13th May, 2024.


It was a VERY busy week in school! We were all so proud of the Year 6 pupils for sitting their SATS with such great attitudes. They were excellent role models to the younger pupils in relation to trying your best! 


Wren Class, this week, worked very hard on: 

- Completing their Maths unit on 'Money' and starting a new unit on 'Statistics'

- Making posters for the Stretham Feast float linked to Mrs Hawes' class novel 'Fantastic Mr Fox'

- Further investigating structures in DT

- Starting their new unit in History: Ancient Greece

- Teamwork skills in OAA in PE

- Learning scientific names for bones in the human skeleton

- Recording their learning from the unit on Agriculture in Geography

- Identifying word families, their root words, prefixes and suffixes in SPaG


It has been great this week to have Miss Gordon visit Wren Class; getting to know names, personalities and learning styles. We look forward to her popping in again next week and then officially starting after the May half-term break. 


Have a wonderful weekend, Year 3. Have fun at the 'Colour Dash' and at all the 'Stretham Feast' activities smiley


Make posters for the Feast float!

WB Monday 6th May, 2024.


It was a slightly shorter week due to bank holiday Monday but Wren Class still managed to pack in: 


- Starting 'Money' in Maths, focusing on adding amounts (up to £10) and converting between pounds and pence

- Looking at even more suffixes which can be added to root words

- Using our spellings to practise joined handwriting

- Continuing 'Fantastic Mr Fox' and 'The House at Pooh Corner' 

- Honing teamwork skills in order to complete OAA tasks in PE

- Learning about some very dramatic Grecian battles in History

- Investigating how to make toilet roll and kitchen roll tubes into strong structures

- Completing 'Agriculture' in Geography with a look at sheep farming (including shearing)

- Taking part in an exciting Art workshop to create headbands for the Ely Fest event in June

- Sorting drugs listed last week and discussing 'Medicines' in more detail 

- Watching the story of 'Joseph' in R&W


Phew! What a lot of excellent learning smiley

Money Problems in Maths


Art workshop

WB Monday 29th April, 2024.


Summer Week 3 marked National Skipping Week! Year 3 thoroughly threw themselves into the event and felt an immense sense of pride and achievement in their improved skipping skills and resulting fitness levels. 


Wren Class also took part in a drumming workshop and saw the importance of listening to those around them! 


In DT, pupils took great care to cut nets of cylinders accurately to form columns (important in Grecian buildings). 


In English, pupils wrote instructions for playing 'Poohsticks' - a game we hope you'll enjoy playing at some point in the near future! 

Skipping Week

Drumming Workshop

DT Structures

WB Monday 22nd April, 2024.


A packed week with Year 3 pupils showing excellent stamina! 


Lessons included: 

- Focusing on Capacity in Maths and reading volumes of liquid in litres and millilitres

- Continuing our class novels: 'Fantastic Mr Fox' and 'The House at Pooh Corner'

- Looking at reading texts linked to 'Healthy eating'

- Taking part in Level 1 'Bikeability'

- Starting to think about structures found in Greece to inspire our DT models

- Continuing 'Persia and Greece' in History

- Looking at 'Arable Farming' in Geography

- Reading food labels to consider nutritional values of food in Science

- Starting to learn some for the Ely Fest event at Ely Cathedral in June

- Watching the story of 'Isaac and Rebekah' in Religion & Worldviews

- Recapping and embedding 'Root Words' and how these can be changed by adding prefixes and suffixes 


Please remember to: 

- Submit weekly homework tasks on Seesaw by 9am on Wednesday each week

- Bring in your reading record each Wednesday to be checked

- Bring in library books to be swapped on Thursdays 

- Prepare for you weekly spelling test each Friday


WB Monday 15th April, 2024.


Welcome to Summer Term! Please do have a look at the the Curriculum Overview to check out what will be taught over the coming weeks. You'll also see the new Homework Menu with tasks linked to our learning which can be posted on Seesaw or brought into school on Wednesdays along with Reading Records. 


This week, we have continued some topics from Spring Term (as it was so short): 

- Persia and Greece in History

- Nutrition in Science

- Agriculture in Geography 


But also started some new topics: 

- OAA (outdoor and adventurous activity) in PE

- Mass and Capacity in Maths

- Fantastic Mr Fox (Mrs Hawes' class novel on Mon-Wed)

- The House at Pooh Corner (Mrs Tait's class novel on Thu-Fri)


On Thursday 18th April, we had a special Religion and Worldviews visit from Miss Twitchett. She was so impressed to hear how Year 3 pupils were able to debate 'charity' and how respectful they were in sharing opinions on how we should treat others. We were also fortunate enough to sample lots of yummy treats linked to the Jewish festival 'Passover' - yum! 

Mass and Capacity - Build it!

OAA - Focus on teamwork and communication

Religion and Worldviews Workshop

WB Monday 25th March, 2024 - The Bee Musical!

WB Monday 18th March, 2024.


It has been a very busy and very topsy-turvy week! Well done Wren Class for just running with it and showing great flexibility! We have: 

- Planned and draft-written our non-chronological reports for our Spring Term Writing Assessment 

- Completed a PUMA Maths Assessment paper 

- Had oodles of rehearsals for 'The Bee Musical' on the stage!!!


We are so very excited to show you the end product and hope you can join us to see the production on...


WEDNESDAY 27th MARCH at 2:15pm smiley


Using Number lines in Maths

WB Monday 11th March, 2024.


This week, Wren Class enjoyed taking part in time-related activities celebrating 'British Science Week'. These included: 

- Speed-writing names

- Estimating the length of a minute

- Creating a pendulum clock that would swing for exactly 30 seconds

- Making a water clock using an empty 2L bottle


It was great to come together as a whole school during Thursday assembly to showcase the best pendulum clocks. Well done to Ladybird Class for winning! 


Thank you to Mrs Dunham for organising all the events including the gadget shops smiley

Exploring Time

Pendulum Clocks

Water Clocks

WB Monday 4th March, 2024.


What a great week of activities linked to World Book Day! 


On Monday, pupils enjoyed a special visit from 'The Animal Experience' including an assembly and an up-close encounter with a meerkat as well as joining in with a live lesson with the poet Michael Rosen. 


On Tuesday, pupils thought about what makes an eye-catching book cover and explored how to write an effective blurb to hook a reader before applying these skills in the school-wide book cover competition. 


On Thursday, pupils enjoyed dressing up in animal-themed outfits or comfy clothes and also researched facts about Wrens in order to draft write non-chronological reports in pairs. 


On Friday, pupils published our non-chronological reports to create a class book which Mrs Everest will be displaying for all the school to see! 


It was a very successful week with lots of reading opportunities for all smiley



Animal Experience

World Book Day outfits

WB Monday 26th February, 2024.


Welcome to Spring 2! It's a really short term (just 4 weeks and 4 days) so we will start units of work this half term but continue some of them into Summer 1 (which is longer). Units started this week include: 


- Fractions in Maths

- Persia and Greece in History

- Craft in Art

- Dodgeball in PE

- Agriculture in Geography

- Judaism (specifically Abraham, Isaac and Jacob) in Religion and Worldviews

- Nutrition, the Skeleton and Muscles in Science 


We are also continuing our class novels in English (The Boy Who Grew Dragons & Charlotte's Web) as well as ticking over with daily Handwriting (using our spelling words) and Spelling, Punctuation & Grammar. 


Reading records and homework continue to be checked on WEDNESDAYS

Pupils continue to have the opportunity to change their library books on THURSDAYS

Spellings continue to be tested on FRIDAYS


Next week we celebrate 'World Book Day'. Mrs Everest sent out a letter this week with all the information about the activities we hope to run in school to encourage and inspire reading. On Thursday 7th March, pupils will have the opportunity to come into school dressed is costumes or casual/comfy clothes. The theme this year is 'Animals'. Contributions of £1 for wearing non-school uniform will be greatly received and used for enhancing our reading resources in school. 


Hopefully, this week, you will also have seen that Year 3 and Year 4 will be putting on a Production called 'The Bee Musical'. The performance to parents will be on WEDNESDAY 27th MARCH at 2:15pm. We look forward to seeing you there! 


WB Monday 12th February, 2024.


What a great final week of Spring 1! Lots of finishing off blocks of work including: 

- Drawing all our DT food tech skills together to make tarts! Pupils were incredibly creative with their vegetable combinations and showed great willingness to try new foods - well done Wren Class! 

- Performing pentatonic melodies on glockenspiels in front of Year 3 and Year 4 pupils. 

- Completing an R&W end of block assessment in pairs to show off understanding of Hinduism. 


It was also great to have Mr Sweeney visit again for a Maths lesson and to 'Draw, Build, Write and Connect' in order to show our understanding of Multiplication and Division. 


Have a wonderful half-term break, Year 3, with lots of rest, fun and fresh air! 

Glockenspiel performances

R&W end-of-block assessment

'Build, Draw, Write, Connect' diagrams in Maths

WB Monday 5th February, 2024.


That's Week 5 of Spring Term complete! This week included: 

- Food tasting in DT

- Considering 'Wants and Needs' in PSHE

- Using partitioning to help multiply a 2-digit number by a 1-digit number in Maths

- Making a composter in Science, complete with live worms! 


Next week will be our second round of parents' evenings for the year. Please don't forget to book a slot for either Tuesday 13th or Thursday 15th February as we have lots of lovely things to report! 

Food tasting

Needs and Wants

Multiplying a 2-digit number by a 1-digit number

Making compost

WB Monday 29th January, 2024.


A packed week in Year 3 this week!


Highlights included: 

- Using clay to create archaeological finds in History

- Chopping and peeling in DT

- Draft writing non-chronological reports about Spencer Morris

- A Maths lesson taught by Mr Sweeney (who allowed us to write on tables with whiteboard pens!)

- Finding out how to make a composter (we're now in search for worms for next week!)

- Practising pentatonic melodies on glockenspiels in Music


Using clay to create archaeological finds

Peeling and Chopping in DT

Playing pentatonic melodies on glockenspiels in Music

WB Monday 22nd January, 2024.


A very productive week in Wren Class with pupils really growing in confidence in measuring perimeter in Maths and feeling more familiar with our new texts in English. The longer days are already noticeable and it's been great to enjoy the warmer and dryer weather at playtimes. 


Highlights this week included:

- Being Archaeologists in History

- Perfecting balances in PE

- Looking at our completed, mounted and displayed artwork in the school gallery

- Continuing to find out about fossils in Science


Don't forget to bring back in your clip for Film Night by Wednesday 31st January - it should be great fun! 

Being Archaeologists in History

Balancing in PE

Completed artwork in the school gallery

Fossils in Science

WB Monday 15th January, 2024.


A fantastic, packed second week of Spring Term, Wren Class. 


It was great, this week, to enjoy some free computing time as a treat for completing the peg plate. Well done for working so well as a class in Autumn Term, resulting in the 24 pegs being turned around! 


In Maths, as well as continuing with 'Measure', fine motor and problem-solving skills were needed to solve some tricky Tangram puzzles (see photos below). 


On Wednesday afternoon, we enjoyed a visit from Spencer Morris who we followed in Autumn Term as he travelled to Antarctica aboard the RRS Sir David Attenborough. It was great to hear about his expedition in person and to try out some knot tying skills. 


The Art gallery is now complete! Please do pop into the main school hall after school on Wednesday 24th January to see the children's completed work - it looks amazing! 


Peg treat!

Tangram puzzles

Visit from Spencer Morris

WB Monday 8th January, 2024.


Happy New Year! Welcome back to Year 3. 


Well done for being amazingly flexible with the unexpected school closure on Monday. You settled back in so smoothly on Tuesday and have shown a great 'can do attitude' in your learning. 


On Tuesday, Mr Sweeney introduced the whole school to our new school rules. At Stretham Community Primary School we aspire to: 

- Be Ready

- Be Respectful 

- Be Safe

Pupils have responded very positively to these new statements and are already rising to these aspirations. 


We have started lots of new units of work this week which you can read about in the Topic Web attached above.


New reading books have also been sent home along with library books which can be brought in on THURSDAYS each week to be changed. 

Artwork for Babylon Gallery

Sorting Rocks in Science

WB Monday 11th December, 2023.


The final full week of Autumn Term included: 

- Completing our Maths unit - Multiplication and Division A

- Preparing to present a Christmas story at the church service next week

- Assessing our SPaG understanding for Autumn Term

- Completing our History unit 'Cradles of Civilisation', our Geography unit 'Mountains' and our R&W unit 'More Hindu Stories'

- Looking at 'Calming and Relaxing' techniques in PSHE to help regulate emotions

- Carrying out a forces experiment to see which surface creates the most friction and completing an end-of-unit assessment in Science

- Using cameras in Computing to practise our stop animation skills


It was also an absolute delight to be the first audience for the KS1 nativity which brought back fond memories from last year. 


Looking forward to a final 3 days of Autumn term next week including our rehearsal and service at St James' Church and the Christmas Lunch! 


WB Monday 4th December, 2023.


It's beginning to look (and feel) at lot like Christmas! This week's highlights included: 


- Completing PIRA (Reading) and PUMA (Maths) assessments

- Using our 'inner voice' in PSHE to build ourselves up

- Attending the Panto 'Mother Goose' in Cambridge

- Wearing our Christmas jumpers and taking part in the Santa Dash

- Joining up with Year 4 (Robin Class) for Maths and English on Friday


Next week is our final FULL week of school this term - it's going to be a good one smiley

Mathematical Imaginings

Using our inner voices in PSHE

Partner work with Robin Class

Santa Dash!

WB Monday 27th November, 2023.


What an amazing week it has been! 


Tuesday Christmas craft afternoon was absolutely wonderful! Great to see family groups together and so many parents/carers in school. The creations made have brought so much colour and cheer to our school corridors and helped us welcome in the Christmas season. 


Pupils worked their socks off in English; planning, writing and editing their first piece of assessed writing in Year 3. It was great to see so many focusing on showing off their joined handwriting and their understanding of fronted adverbials.


And what a triumph on Friday afternoon at our class assembly smiley You all did yourselves so proud and really showed just how much learning has taken place this term. The song at the end was beautiful and it has been lovely to see so many of you focusing on finding people who build you up!


Have a wonderful weekend, Wren Class. Enjoy your advent calendars and decorating your homes!

Completed Wire Fish

Dividing by 3 in Maths

WB Monday 20th November, 2023.


This week Wren Class have: 

- Learned about 'Cradles of Civilisation' in History

- Continued 'Working with wire' to create fish in Art/DT

- Considered how to 'Get Support' for their emotions in PSHE

- Perfected their 'Country & Western' line dance in PE

- Started looking at 'Forces' in Science

- Discovered what it is like to live in the Andes in Geography

- Used body percussion to create layers in Music


As well as: 

- Completing writing a fable and a non-chronological report in English

- Considering the punctuation needed when combining a main clause and subordinate clause in SPaG

- Using and applying 2, 5 and 10 times-table knowledge in a variety of problems


We have also been writing and assigning parts for our class assembly which will take place at 2:30pm next Friday, the 1st December. We look forward to seeing you there smiley

Making arrays in Maths

Working with wire to create fish in Art/DT

WB Monday 13th November, 2023.


This week was Anti-bullying week/Kindness week. Pupils took part in a number of activities including;

- Looking at what we mean by bullying and how we can stop it from happening

- Being 'Secret Angels' to one another

- Learning a song 'Find your People' which focuses on finding people who build you up and love you for who you are


Another packed week in Wren Class, including: 

- The Epic of Gilgamesh in History

- Part 1 of Working with Wire in Art

- Increased co-ordination in our Country and Western dance in PE

- Carrying out a paperclip experiment with magnets in Science

- Finding out what Vishnu's symbols mean in Religion & Worldviews

- Considering why people would choose to live on a mountain in Geography

- Listening to an orchestral composition in order to create a story in Music

- Continuing with Aesop's Fables and non-chronological reports in English

- Looking at subordinating conjunctions using ISAWAWABUB in SPaG

- Sitting our second spelling test of the half term - well done to those who have been practising 

- Finishing up our really long block on Addition and Subtraction in Maths 

- Improving x-table scores in our weekly test


Mrs Hawes also introduced us to Spencer (a friend of her son) who will soon be boarding the Sir David Attenborough ship as it journeys to Antarctica. We look forward to tracking his journey and reading his messages over the coming weeks and months. 


It has been good to support 'Children in Need' together this week; thinking of others less fortunate than ourselves.


Date for the diary: Friday 1st December at 2:30pm will be Wren Class Assembly in the school hall. 

WB Monday 6th November, 2023.


The week has absolutely flown by! Wren Class have: 

- Looked at the results of mummifying a tomato (a strong stomach was required!)

- Produced observational drawings of drinks' cans in Art

- Improved on their timing in the Country and Western Dance in PE

- Carried out Scientific investigations to test the strength of different types of magnets

- Continued learning the Hindu story of Manu and Matsya in R&W

- Moved on to Mountain Ranges in Geography


As well as: 

- Learning about main clauses and co-ordinating conjunctions in SPaG

- Continuing to practise joined handwriting using the first 100 high-frequency words

- Completing the fable 'The Tortoise and the Hare'

- Looking at features of non-chronological reports

- Consolidating column subtraction involving multiple exchanges


In Computing this week, Wren Class had their first experience of exploring microcomputers called 'Crumbles'. The children had to programme the crumbbs to follow a pattern of lights. You can see from the photos below that they really enjoyed this lesson smiley


It was also good to observe Remembrance Day together on Friday 10th Nov at a special morning assembly; to take time to reflect on those who lost their lives to preserve the freedoms we enjoy in our country today. 


The weather is definitely cooling down now. Just a reminder that we keep windows open throughout the year to help with ventilation. Please be sure to wear enough layers to school with this in mind. 


Enjoy the weekend wink

WB Monday 30th October, 2023.


What a great start to Autumn 2! With a new half term, come new topics. This week, Wren Class have started: 

- Cradles of Civilisation in History

- Formal elements of art in Art

- My Emotions in PSHE

- Country and Western dance in PE

- Forces and Magnets in Science

- More Hindu Stories in Religion & Worldviews

- Mountains in Geography

- Composition in response to a stimulus in Music


As well as: 

- Continuing our Addition and Subtraction block in Maths

- Starting a new unit in English - Fables

- Growing in confidence with Fronted Adverbials in SPaG

- Editing spellings and up-levelling using adjectives


We also took part in 'Friendship Run Week' which had to be postponed before half term due to the weather - what excellent stamina and teamwork you displayed. 


A new Homework Menu for Autumn 2 was provided on Friday 3rd November along with the first set of spellings to be learnt at home ahead of a test on 10.11.23. Pupils know how to use the Look, Say, Cover, Write, Check sheet so hopefully this will be quite familiar when practising. 


Hope you all keep safe this weekend wink

Shape Hunt in Art

Country and Western Dance in PE

Adding two 3-digit numbers

Friendship walk/run

Magnets in Science

WB Monday 16th October, 2023.


What a fantastic final week of Autumn 1, Wren Class. 


You completed: 

- The Ancient Egyptians in History

- Textiles in Art & DT

- Beginning and Belonging in PSHE

- Light in Science

- Hindu Stories (Rama and Sita) in R & W

- Rivers in Geography

- Viking notation in Music


As well as starting to look at the column method for addition of 3-digit numbers in Maths and writing some amazing Cinquains in English linked to the book Flat Stanley. 


And, you did all this with limited outdoor playtimes due to the torrential rain - you superstars! 


You are all in need of a well-deserved, half-term break! Have fun smiley

Completed Egyptian Collars

Completed Sewing Samplers

Fitness Skills in PE

Writing Cinquains

WB Monday 9th October, 2023.


In the penultimate week of Autumn 1, Wren Class have:

- Enjoyed taking part in the Hula Hooping Challenge

- Persevered with adding 1s and 10s to 3-digit numbers, including bridging into the next column

- Written a note of disapproval and an apology letter as a reply

- Looked at the shocking results of our UV light experiment


Well done for bringing in wellies now that the weather is on the turn. It's worth bringing a raincoat into school each day so you're prepared for sporadic rain! 

Adding and subtracting 1s and 10s

Hula hooping

UV light experiment results

WB Monday 2nd October, 2023.


That's Week 5 complete, Wren Class. How wonderful it was to welcome our new head teacher, Mr Sweeney.

He has been so impressed to see your attitudes to learning when he's popped into class - well done! 


This week, highlights have included: 

- Mummifying a tomato to help our understanding of how the Ancient Egyptians preserved life

- Completing our Christmas card designs - look out for the ordering instructions in the coming weeks

- Having our final lesson of the season in the pool - thank you Mrs Marsh for all your maintenance work

- Testing our shadow puppets and throwing compliments to peers who made particularly effective puppets

- Finding out the ending to the Hindu story of Rama and Sita


Great fun was also had by all who stayed for the film night - thank you PSA! 


This week, you should have received details about the upcoming parents' evenings on Tuesday 17th and Thursday 19th October. Please be sure to book your slot so we can let you know how your child is settling into Year 3. 


Mummifying a tomato

Completing Christmas card designs

Final swimming lesson of the season

Video message from Mr Sweeney.MOV

Still image for this video

WB Monday 25th September, 2023.


Week 4 has whizzed by with pupils enjoying another fantastic trip - this time to the Fitzwilliam Museum in Cambridge to look at Ancient Egyptian artefacts and sketch detailed drawings. 


The week also included carrying out a very successful water cycle experiment in Geography. Many pupils remembered the words to the song we learnt last week to help with the technical vocabulary: evaporation, condensation and precipitation. If you'd like to listen to it at home, use the following link: 


Now we're entering October, and feeling more settling in our new year group, please try to get into good habits regarding submitting homework on Seesaw and completing reading records. Aim to complete reading records at least 4 times a week ready to be checked every Wednesday. 



Fitzwilliam Museum Trip

Water Cycle Experiment

WB Monday 18th September, 2023.


It's been an exciting and productive week in Wren Class. Highlights include: 


- A trip to Denny Abbey to find out about agriculture (past and present)

- Setting up a Science experiment to test the effects of UV radiation

- Producing our first long write in English: a Travel Log for Flat Stanley


We've also been preparing for our Harvest Assembly which takes place in the school hall on Monday 25th September at 9:30am - we look forward to seeing you there! 

Denny Abbey Trip

WB Monday 11th September, 2023.


Well done, Wren Class, for getting to grips with all the new systems in Year 3. It was fantastic to have all 24 reading records handed in on Wednesday for the weekly check and to see how grown up you all are with regards filling in the rows yourselves - keep up this excellent work! 


What a delight to elect our 2 new school councillors. So many of you bravely stood for election and all showed good sportsmanship when the result was announced. Congratulations to Courtnie and Robert for being the successful candidates! 


This week, we've had a big focus on the Zones of Regulation; thinking about the green, yellow, blue and red zones and how we can help ourselves get back to green by using ideas from our toolkit. 

Creating paper and pasta Egyptian collars in Art

Acting out an Ancient Egyptian scene in History

WB Monday 4th September, 2023.


Welcome back to school, Wren Class! It's great to see you all Year 3 ready. 


Well done for arriving each day ready to learn. We have been so impressed by how quickly you have adapted to new ways of doing things and all the new adults in class. 


We've had a full-on week too with: Maths, English, Handwriting, Reading, Spelling, History, Science, Geography, Religion & Worldviews, Computing, French and PE (including swimming) - phew! 


Hopefully, your homework book made it home safely on Friday with the homework menu and Seesaw and TTRS log-in details. We look forward to seeing all your wonderful work smiley


Enjoy the weekend and keep cool!


Sky-writing using the joined font

Enjoying the trim trail equipment with friends

Sweet relief to be in the pool during such a hot week!
