
Stretham Community Primary School


Wren Class

Week Beginning 25.11.24


It's hard to believe that this is our last week in November! It was great fun beginning to find the Christmas spirit as Wren Class enjoyed making Christmas decorations with many of you and loved seeing them on display around school. It also exciting having the Book Fair in school - don't forget to have a look at the lovely books on display.


This week Wren Class:

  • Started working on Multiplication and Division in Maths and looked at arrays and equal groupings. We also played 'Shut the Box' with dice - perhaps the children could teach you how to play?
  • Continued exploring an explanation text in English and started writing their own about a robot dog.
  • Carried out an experiment in Science to see which type of magnet was the strongest.
  • Used observational drawing in Art to sketch flowers and leaves.
  • Discussed why people live on mountains in Geography.
  • Explored why rules are important and how they can be helpful in PSHE.
  • Continued work on the spelling rule using 'ally' and completed their dictation using their spelling words for homework in our Spelling.


Another busy week!

Well done Wren Class - keep up the hard work.


Mrs Rayment and Mrs O'Briain



Week beg. 18th November

Busy, chilly but productive week in Wrens!

  • In P.E. we did our 3rd dance lessons where we sequenced all of our movements from the last few dance lessons, carefully listening to the beat of 8.
  • In Geography, we learnt about mountain ranges, focusing upon the Himalayas where Mount Everest is, the tallest mountain in the world! 
  • In Science, we had a super fun investigation lesson learning all about magnets. Much excitement was had by exploring which materials are magnetic!
  • In English, we completed our dragon descriptions and we edited them using our pink pens - which we are getting more confident with. 
  • In Reading, we continued to enjoy our funny class novel - 'An alien in the jam factory' where we created questions as to what to ask the alien if we ever met her! We also read a non-fiction text this week all about Isaac Newton, linking it in with our Science the last few weeks on forces.

Thanks for a great week Wrens, have a wonderful weekend!

Mrs Rayment and Mrs O'Briain

Week beginning 11.11.24


Wow! What a week! 

We showed our respect on Monday through a 2 minute silence to mark Rememberance after considering what this mean to us.


This week was 'Kindness Week' associated too with a national Anti-bullying week. We spent a lot of time being kind to ourselves through mindful moments in our day including mindful colouring and discussions about what it means to show empathy to our peers. Alongside this, we discussed all of the types of bullying, identifying that bullying is persistant behaviour, which we hope not to see in our school.


  • Maths - we continue to work on column addition and subtraction. However, we problem solved on Friday for Children in Need, finding different ways of totalling a given amount of coins.
  • English, we looked at Michael Rosen Poems for Michael Rosen day. We have also been planning for a descriptive piece of writing about a dragon to show off what we have learnt in our writing this term. We also completed our first dictation to test the spellings we sent home for homework.
  • We went outside to explore 'Friction' with some toy cars before looking at what happens when we put cars on ramps with different surfaces in our Science.
  • In Geography, we began learning about mountains.
  • In Art, we are using our shading skills to help us draw what we can see; we loved the examples we saw in homework books too!


Have a restful weekend,

Mrs Rayment and Mrs O'Briain

Autumn Timetable

Week beg. 4th November 2024

We hope you all had a wonderful half-term. Wren Class have settled back in positively with lots of lovely activities completed! 

This week - 

  • In English, we looked at different types of poems & we wrote a Calligram (shape poem), Kennings (2 word phrases poem) and a Cinquain (syllable, diamond poem) all about Bonfire Night and fireworks. Well done Wren class, you worked super hard on these and they look brilliant!
  • In Maths, we are continuing with our adding and subtracting skills, especially looking at using a column when crossing the tens. 
  • In Geography (Rivers), History (Egyptians) and R & W (Rama and Sita), we re-capped our vocabulary and learning from last term to see what we have remembered! We also completed our Diwali lamps this week. 
  • In Science, we have started learning about forces after our wonderful learning about light last term. 
  • In P.E this term, we are learning dance skills, starting with movements to machinery - linking in with our Wild Robot book that we have enjoyed finishing this week.
  • In Reading, it's been really lovely to share which books you have been enjoying reading the last few weeks. 

Well done Wren Class, we are proud of your efforts this week, settling back in so well. 

Week Beginning 21.10.24

It was such a delight to talk to parents and carers at Parent's Evening this week. Thank you for joining us! We are so proud of how Wrens have settled into Year 3.


Learning this week has involved:

  • adding and subtracting using a formal method in maths
  • publishing our best version of 'Tuesday in our English
  • making our own books about 'Light' in Science to show what we have learnt
  • programming crumbles to light a pumpkin in Science
  • learning how 'Diwali' is celebrated in RE
  • exploring hieroglyphs in History
  • discussing 'Wants, Rights and Needs' in PSHE.


The children have also been working hard on running for fun in our 'Run for Fun' week. We completed 342 laps as a class this afternoon! Well done Wren Class.


Have restful break.


Mrs Rayment and Mrs O'Briain

Week Beginning 14.10.24


We have been really proud of how the children have worked this week. We have been planning a story based on our book 'Tuesday'. You can see some lovely examples of the writing the children did at the start of the week which will support the telling of the story.


We continue to work on addition and subtraction in maths and a problem solving activity called 'Totality' was enjoyed by all! We are still finding it tricky when we have to cross tens or hundreds but with more practice we will definitely master it soon! 


Computing was thoroughly enjoyable this week with the children working with 'Crumbles' to do some modelling.


We are also really proud of our posters sharing how to stay safe in the sun!


Have a great weekend!


Mrs Rayment and Mrs O'Briain

Week beginning 07.10.24


What an exciting start to the week! We were joined by a paralympic athlete and it was so very exciting! The children really enjoyed the activities he did with him and he was an inspiration to us all!


Wren Class learning

We continue to work on adding in maths and worked hard showing how to add 100s, 10s and 1s without bridging and used a place value table to help us to see how the digits change.

In Religion and World views, the children have been learning about Rama and Sita.

In PSHE, our unit on 'Working Together' has been thought provoking and today we designed our dream playgrounds before accepting feedback from others in a constructive conversation.

In Science we are nearing the end of our unit on 'Light' and looked at mirror images and how they are created. We were amazed when we realised that we wave at our reflection with our right hand but the mirror image waves back with it's left! So, we practised being mirror images of each other before using our mirror to read a reflected message! 


Another busy week - well done all!


Mrs Rayment and Mrs O'Briain

Hello All,


Wren Class have enjoyed another busy week. What a mixture of weather too! The heavy rain on Monday meant we did some yoga in the classroom instead of being able to go outside. In Maths, we have been finishing work on place value and were looking for connections between counting in 5's and 50's. We continue to enjoy our text 'Tuesday' and worked on constructing speech for the illustrations. When the sun appeared on Thursday, we managed to get outside and make some shadows before completing an experiment looking at how we can change the size of a shadow with a torch. This afternoon, the children were pleased to finally begin making their Egyptian inspired collars for DT! 


Well done for your hard work this week!


Enjoy the weekend.


Mrs Rayment and Mrs O'Briain

W.b 30.09.24

Week Beginning 23.09.24


It was really lovely to attend the Harvest Assembly and see so many parents, carers and friends in attendance. The children loved learning a poem to share with you and use their mosaic skills to make their pumpkin wreath.


Wren Class have really enjoyed their new text in English. 'Tuesday' is a wordless picture book which stimulated their curiosity and allowed them to construct question sentences about what they were seeing. In maths, Wrens continued to work on place value and find starting their lessons with a game is a great way of encouraging them to apply the maths skills that they have been learning. Science continues to excite the children as they explore light using the terms 'transparent, translucent and opaque' correctly.


We are also getting into the routine of changing our reading books, which are at our reading level, on a Monday and Friday, On a Wednesday, we change library books when we choose a book to read for pleasure. Thank you too for continuing to support the children with their homework - we are thrilled to hear how enthusiastic the children are to complete it! Keep it up!


Thank you!

Mrs O'Briain and Mrs Rayment

Week Beginning 16.09.24

Hello all,


First of all, we have to say a HUGE well done to EVERYONE for completing their first piece of homework! We were SO impressed - keep it up.


It has been another successful week in Wren Class. We are particularly proud of the progress we are making with our applique skills in DT. From our basic running stitch, we can now attach pieces together and this is preparing us for our final product - an Egyptian collar. We are still using practical equipment to help us secure our understanding of place value and are using these skills to solve problems whether playing a game against our partner or finding our  way through a number maze. In PE, we have been working on our fitness skills using skipping ropes. You can see in our PSHE, we are working on becoming a successful group by thinking about what we need to do to solve a problem and work together to do it! This also made us consider that a class reward would be good to have to help celebrate when we are successful as a group. We decided on collecting marbles in a jar for when we work well as Wrens.


Reading books have come home today, do return them on a Monday and Friday and don't forget library books are due on a Wednesday.


Have a lovely weekend,

Mrs Rayment and Mrs O'Briain.



Week Beginning: 09.09.24


We have really enjoyed getting to know Wren Class and already have been so busy with our learning and familiarising ourselves with rules, routines and expectations for Year 3.


In our English, we have been exploring 'Here we are' and have added lots to our working wall. In Maths, we looked at place value particularly representing and partitioning numbers to 1000. Science began with a lesson exploring light using torches and seeing how it travels in straight lines. We are most proud of the progress we have made with our running stitch, beginning with using boards to practice before progressing to using felt!


Already, completed homework tasks are being handed in too! Well done Year 3!


Reading logs and banded books will come home next week.


Thank you for your support, have a good week!


Mrs Rayment and Mrs O'Briain

Summer Term Curriculum Overview

Summer Term Curriculum Overview

Summer Term Homework Menu

WB Monday 20th May, 2024.


To all the wonderful parents, carers and pupils of Wren Class - thank you so much for being so amazing! I have absolutely loved teaching in Year 3 this year and will never forget all your kindness and support. You are truly phenomenal and I look forward to hearing all your news from Mrs Hawes and Miss Gordon. 


Have a wonderful half-term holiday and enjoy the rest of the year!


Mrs Tait 

Peg treat using the Year R outdoor area!

WB Monday 13th May, 2024.


It was a VERY busy week in school! We were all so proud of the Year 6 pupils for sitting their SATS with such great attitudes. They were excellent role models to the younger pupils in relation to trying your best! 


Wren Class, this week, worked very hard on: 

- Completing their Maths unit on 'Money' and starting a new unit on 'Statistics'

- Making posters for the Stretham Feast float linked to Mrs Hawes' class novel 'Fantastic Mr Fox'

- Further investigating structures in DT

- Starting their new unit in History: Ancient Greece

- Teamwork skills in OAA in PE

- Learning scientific names for bones in the human skeleton

- Recording their learning from the unit on Agriculture in Geography

- Identifying word families, their root words, prefixes and suffixes in SPaG


It has been great this week to have Miss Gordon visit Wren Class; getting to know names, personalities and learning styles. We look forward to her popping in again next week and then officially starting after the May half-term break. 


Have a wonderful weekend, Year 3. Have fun at the 'Colour Dash' and at all the 'Stretham Feast' activities smiley


Make posters for the Feast float!

WB Monday 6th May, 2024.


It was a slightly shorter week due to bank holiday Monday but Wren Class still managed to pack in: 


- Starting 'Money' in Maths, focusing on adding amounts (up to £10) and converting between pounds and pence

- Looking at even more suffixes which can be added to root words

- Using our spellings to practise joined handwriting

- Continuing 'Fantastic Mr Fox' and 'The House at Pooh Corner' 

- Honing teamwork skills in order to complete OAA tasks in PE

- Learning about some very dramatic Grecian battles in History

- Investigating how to make toilet roll and kitchen roll tubes into strong structures

- Completing 'Agriculture' in Geography with a look at sheep farming (including shearing)

- Taking part in an exciting Art workshop to create headbands for the Ely Fest event in June

- Sorting drugs listed last week and discussing 'Medicines' in more detail 

- Watching the story of 'Joseph' in R&W


Phew! What a lot of excellent learning smiley

Money Problems in Maths


Art workshop