
Stretham Community Primary School


Kite Class

Week Beginning 24/02/2025


Where has the time gone? We can't believe that the first week of Spring 2 is already over! It has been a very busy week for us in Kite Class. We have: 

  • Received a negative Trip Advisor review about Camp Green Lake in our English lesson. Our task is to respond to this in our next assessed piece. 
  • In Maths, we have been looking at algebra. Our lessons have involved writing expressions, formula and substituting values. 
  • Had a very interesting afternoon linked to our History lesson when Mr Sweeney played the role of a ruthless leader. The class discovered that we are learning about British monarchs this half term; the first being William the Conqueror. 
  • In our Geography lesson, we started our new topic on Jamaica. For our first lesson, we took a trip to Jamaica (using our imagination) and then learnt about Orlene's migration story. We discovered that Orlene opened a restaurant in Cambridge!
  • Science this week involved beginning our new unit on Evolution. We were lucky enough to have some real fossils that we could look at and feel.


We are looking forward to the rest of our learning this half term! 


Week Beginning 24.02.2025

Week Beginning 10/02/2024


We have had a fantastic week in Kite Class to finish Spring Term 1. We have:

  • Enjoyed Feel Good Friday by going down to forest school with our buddies, creating art based on our memories from the years we have been at Stretham Community Primary School and watched the film Holes (which is based on the book we have been studying). 
  • Edited and revised our persuasive leaflets by visiting the editing stations around the classroom. These encouraged us to focus on particular skills. 
  • Investigated refraction in Science. We discovered that when an arrow is placed behind a cup of water it changes direction! 
  • Finished our ratio unit in Maths.
  • Designed our own cities in Geography and considered how the redevelopment of Birmingham may have influenced our designs. 
  • Worked hard to complete a reading and GPS paper to look at our progress from November. 


Have a great half term Kites, you deserve it! 

Week Beginning 03/02/2025


It has been a fantastic day celebrating all things number today! We have:

  • Attended a number themed assembly.
  • Created our own yoga positions in PE based on number. 
  • Measured our carrots and collected our results. Then, we created our own bar charts and worked out the class average by calculating the mean. 
  • Learnt about scale drawings in our Maths lesson. 
  • Set up and led counting themed activities for Ladybird class in the afternoon. 


It has been a super busy day! This week we have:

  • Drafted our persuasive leaflets based on our text Holes. 
  • In Maths, we started our unit on ratio and made links with our knowledge on fractions. 
  • Carried out our own investigations in Science to find the most reflective material in the classroom. 
  • Performed our own puppet shows based on the fable 'The Hare and the Tortoise.' 




Week Beginning 27/01/2025

Kites are having a fantastic half term. They should be very proud of everything they have achieved so far! This week we have:

  • Finished our non-chronological reports on Ethiopia and taken pictures with our final pieces. 
  • Created our own script for a TV advert to encourage people to stay at Camp Green Lake (linking to our class text). 
  • Completed our unit on fractions, decimals and percentages in Maths. Today, we used a dice game to consolidate our knowledge of percentages of an amount. 
  • Made our own Newton colour wheels in Science. We then got very excited when a rainbow appeared in our classroom! 
  • Continued our yoga lessons in PE with a focus on balance. 
  • Read another fable in Religion and Worldwide Views called The Ant and The Dove. 


We are looking forward to Number Day and National Storytelling Week next week! 

Week Beginning 27.01.2025

Week Beginning 20.01.2025


We are half way through the term already! This week we have:

  • Studied fractions, decimals and percentages (FDP) in Maths and applied our knowledge to FDP relay on Friday afternoon. 
  • Drafted our non-chronological reports on Ethiopia ready to publish on Monday. 
  • Continued reading our class text Holes and written a diary entry about Stanley's first day at Camp Green Lake. 
  • Learnt about the redevelopment of Birmingham and how the skyline has changed over time. 
  • In Religion and Worldwide Views, read Aesop's fable called the North Wind and the Sun and discussed the moral meaning. 
  • To investigate reflection in Science, we created our own periscopes and used them around the classroom. 

Week Beginning 20.01.25

Week Beginning 13/01/2025


It has been another busy and productive week for Kite Class. We have: 

  • Listened to the author Elle McNicoll to learn about her writing and the process of getting a book published. This was a fantastic talk which many of the children were engaged in as we have so many keen writers in the class!
  • Continued work on the features of a non-chronological report ready to write our own next week. 
  • Finished our unit on decimals by applying our knowledge to word problems. 
  • Carried out a science investigation into how shadows are formed and why shadows look the way they do. 
  • Had some time for mindfulness during our yoga lesson. 
  • Understood the growth of Birmingham and discussed different pull and push factors which can impact population growth. 
  • In Music, we started to look at how we can link art to music and used a variety of actions to create a rhythm. 
  • During RWV, we studied the fable of the boy who cried wolf and thought about the moral lessons being taught. 


Keep up the great work Kites! 

Week Beginning 13.01.2025

Week Beginning 06/01/2025


Happy New Year! It has been a fantastic start to the year for us in Kite Class and we are looking forward to the exciting opportunities we will have over this term. This week we have:

  • Started our new class text (Holes) and explored how authors make their book openings effective. 
  • Worked hard to recap decimals from Year 5 using a dice game and built on this knowledge by studying place-value, rounding and multiplying by 10, 100 and 1000. 
  • In English, focused on the features of non-chronological reports and the skills we can use to write to inform. This has included, the use of parenthesis, adverbials, colons and subordinate clauses. 
  • Introduced our new Geography unit on the growth of cities, with a focus on Birmingham. We spent time plotting population growth on a line graph. 
  • Learnt about Aesop and the fables he wrote in Religion and Worldwide Views. We will continue to learn about the different fables that he wrote and their moral meanings this half term. 
  • During our Science lesson, we discussed how light travels in straight lines and used objects from around the classroom and torches to prove this. 
  • Considered the importance of friendships in PSHE and what healthy friendships look like online and offline. 
  • Participated in yoga in our PE lesson and learnt two new positions (the cobra and down dog). 

Week Beginning 06.01.25

Week Beginning 09/12/2024


What a week it has been for us in Kite Class! We have:

  • Thoroughly enjoyed watching the KS1 Nativity with the rest of the school. 
  • Written our own Christmas poem to be performed at the church service next week. 
  • Taken part in an art project with Mrs Spencer all about our school family.
  • Listened to Mrs Dillon talk to us about her time living in Ethiopia. We even smelt some Ethiopian spices and felt Ethiopian material. 
  • Started to make our Christmas waistcoats by designing our templates and using this to cut out our material accurately. 
  • In groups, discussed an example narrative about discovering a dragon and planned our own narrative ready to write next week. 
  • Completed the Santa Dash in our house teams! 


We are all looking forward to the festive activities next week! 

Week Beginning 02/12/2024


Stretham has been getting into the Christmas spirit! We have:

  • Been inspired by the fantastic book Darwin's Dragons in English, ready for our story writing this week. 
  • Used a dice game to remember how we divide fractions by integers. 
  • Found fractions of amounts in our Maths lessons. 
  • Created impressive double-page fact files on invertebrates in Science. 
  • Had a talk from Mrs McKee to tell us what it is like to live and go to school in Ethiopia. 
  • Learnt about the sixth Guru (Guru Hargobind) and his trip to Lahore. 
  • Discussed the challenges faced in Ethiopia and the impact this has on the people that live there. 

Week Beginning 02/12/2024

Week Beginning 18/11/2024


It has been a cold week outside but we have continued to work hard in Kite Class! We have:

  • Designed our own dragons to inspire our descriptive writing piece. We thought about the descriptive vocabulary, metaphors and similes we could use to describe the dragons we created. 
  • Used the hockey skills we learnt last week to play a game which involved receiving the ball from other players and accurately passing the ball. 
  • Discussed invertebrates in our Science lesson and how we classify them. 
  • Used the Dollar Street website in Geography to compare life in the UK to life in Ethiopia. 
  • In Maths, we completed our work on adding and subtracting fractions and mixed numbers and applied this knowledge to solving reasoning and problem solving questions. 
  • Finished our first assessment week! 

Week Beginning 18/11/2024

Week Beginning 11/11/2024


It has been an incredibly busy week for the whole of Stretham Primary! We have:

  • Written a formal letter to Mr Tushman persuading him to plan an anti-bullying day for his school. This was based on our class text Wonder. 
  • In Maths, we have been adding and subtracting fractions with the same and different denominators. We also played a dice game to practise finding equivalent fractions. 
  • Described how Carl Linnaeus classified animals and learnt about the different classes. We then played a game to see what we could remember. 
  • Raised money for Children in Need by wearing non-school uniform. 
  • Been inspired by watching the Michael Rosen Day event. 
  • Used our defending and attacking skills in hockey. 


Kite Class have started their assessment weeks positively and I am extremely proud of them. Well done Kites! 

Week Beginning 11/11/2024

Week Beginning 04/11/2024


Kite class have had a fantastic first week back after half term. This week we have:

  • Used our persuasive writing skills in Writing to persuade Mr Tushman to have an Anti-Bullying Day and held a debate on why we think this should happen. 
  • Introduced the topic of fractions in our Maths lessons by focusing on how we simplify and find equivalent fractions. 
  • Retrieved knowledge from Year 4 when we discussed the Aksum empire and linked this to our new History topic on Ethiopia and Benin. 
  • Compared life in Ethiopia to our lives in the UK and discussed the location of Ethiopia in Geography. 
  • Progressed in our studies on Sikh traditions in Religion by thinking about the Gurdwara. 
  • Had a visit from the NSPCC and completed a workshop with them which discussed our right to be safe. 
  • Had our first PE lesson on hockey where we worked on defending. 

Week Beginning 04/11/2024

Week Beginning 21/10/2024


It has been a fantastic first half term for us in Kite class. We have finished our half term by:

  • Writing an informal letter from Jack Will to August (characters in our class text Wonder). 
  • Solving reasoning and problem-solving questions which have required us to apply our learning on the four operations (addition, subtraction, multiplication and division). 
  • Completed our investigation in Science where we changed a variable in our circuit and compared the brightness of our bulbs. 
  • Used our skills that we have learnt during our Art lessons this half term to create a final art piece with a personal meaning. 
  • Learnt about how the Maya loved maths and compared their calendar to our own. 
  • Discussed the Guru Nanak's four udasis. 
  • Finished our letters to the Prime Minister which discussed Climate Change and what solutions we think would make a difference. 
  • Continued reading our class novel and discussing why the author has decided to write using different character perspectives. 
  • Took part in Run for Fun week! We ran 369 laps of the playground as a class in 15 minutes. 


I hope you all have a lovely half term! 

Week Beginning 21/10/2024

Week Beginning 14/10/2024


Kites have a lot to be proud of this week. We have:

  • Challenged ourselves in Maths by learning long division and solved problems involving division. 
  • Spent time learning about the character Jack Will in our book Wonder and used inference skills to determine why he carried out some of his actions. 
  • Continued our work on energy in Geography and created our own opinions about nuclear power. 
  • In History, we learnt why maize was so important to the Maya civilisation. 
  • Created our own investigations in Science to test how changing variable can impact on the brightness of a bulb. 
  • Discussed how people convey messages using art and looked at some famous artists who have done this. Then, we thought about our own message and how we are going to use art to convey this.
  • Created our own group compositions in Music thinking about texture. 
  • Started earning house points as a class!


I am very proud of your resilience this week Kites!


Week Beginning 14/10/2024

Week Beginning 07/10/2024


It has been a brilliant week for Kite class. We have:

  • Been inspired by the fantastic athlete (Sean Rose) on Monday and attended an assembly where we learnt about his achievements and motivations. 
  • Created our own role-play about a scene in Wonder to develop our understanding of the characters. 
  • Attended the STEM day at Soham Village College where we were challenged to create our own flying machines! We participated in a Maths activity where we had to race around the world and learnt all about the science behind flight. 
  • Focused on division in our Maths lesson and how we can divide using factors. 
  • Engaged in some interesting discussions about our book Wonder to infer why characters acted in the way they did towards August. 


It has been a very busy week for us. Well done everyone for all of your hard work! 

Week Beginning 07/10/2024

Week Beginning 30/09/2024


It has been a week filled with creativity, hard-work and challenge! We have:

  • Completed our first piece of assessed writing in Year 6. We wrote a diary entry based on our fantastic book Wonder. 
  • Used our knowledge of series circuits to build our own circuits. 
  • Played a multiplication dice game in Maths to support our learning of multiplying 4-digit by 2-digit numbers. 
  • Created our own piece of Chiaroscuro art using charcoal. 
  • Learnt about the features of a typical Maya city in History. 
  • Used role-play in English to help us understand the thoughts and feelings of characters in Wonder. 


Well done this week Kites!

Week Beginning 30/09/2024

Week Beginning 23/09/2024


It has been another busy week for Kite class this week! We finished our week with our wonderful Harvest Festival assembly this morning, it was lovely to see so many families in the hall. This week we have:

  • Read more of our fantastic book Wonder and completed lessons on past tense, first person writing and using apostrophes for different purposes in preparation for writing a diary entry next week. 
  • Found common multiples and common factors in Maths, using multi-link cubes to help us. 
  • Accurately drawn simple and series circuits in Science ready for us to build our own circuits. 
  • Discussed the definition of strength in PE and tried some exercises (including plank, squats, burpees and lunges) that help to build strength. Furthermore, we identified the muscles that were being used during each activity. 
  • Learnt about the Maya civilisation and the importance of the jaguar. 
  • Created our own 'waves' in Music using different textures in our groups. 
  • Studied the impact that fossil fuels are having on our environment and compared non-renewable and renewable energy sources. 


I hope you all have a fantastic weekend and I look forward to seeing you all next week. 

Miss Barnes

Week Beginning 23.09.2024

Week Beginning 16.09.2024


It is our second full week back at school and our Year 6 lessons are now in full swing! This week we have:

- Had Witchford Village Collage visit us to discuss what secondary school will be like and to answer any questions that the children had. Kites class were very excited to hear all about what the day in the life of a secondary school student looks like and what opportunities will be available to them next September. 

- Completed a fitness lesson for PE which encouraged the children to compare the difference between stamina and speed. We discussed pace and how this will help us when running for longer distances. 

- Reflected on our homework from last week where the children investigated wind turbines in our Geography lesson and discussed the energy mix in the UK. 

- Revisited our GPS (grammar, punctuation and spelling) knowledge in English, focusing on word classes and sentence structure. 

- Continued reading our fantastic class novel (Wonder) and answered questions where the children were required to use their retrieval skills to find evidence in the text. 

- Listened in our assemblies which have discussed the meaning of peace and what this looks like in our school and beyond ready for International Day of Peace tomorrow. 

- Finished our first unit in Maths (place-value) and used our reasoning and problem-solving skills to answer a range of questions on addition and subtraction. 


It has been another great week in Year 6, keep it up Kites class! 

Miss Barnes

Week Beginning 16.09.2024

Week Beginning 09/09/2024


Welcome to Kite's class page! 


What a fantastic start we have had to this academic year. Kites have come into school every morning ready to learn and demonstrated that they are ready for their Year 6 responsibilities. This week we have:

- Started our Year 6 duties around the school: helping in the office, library, out on the playground and in the lunch hall. 

- Discussed how we are ready, respectful and safe in Year 6 and how we set the example for other year groups in the school. 

- Introduced our new topic in History by learning about Mayan traditions and studied Mayan symbols in Art.

- Created impressive poetry based on our book 'Here We Are' which we have studied in our English lessons. 

- Revisited our Year 5 knowledge on place value and introduced numbers up to 10,000,000 in Maths. 

- Had a exciting Science lessons where we looked at how electricity works and created our own static electricity! 


It has been excellent to have a class full of engaged individuals who are ready for their Year 6 journey. I am looking forward to another brilliant week next week and thank you for welcoming me into the Stretham family!


Miss Barnes 

Week Beginning Monday 15th July - Last week at Stretham for Year 6

...and so we come to our last website post of the academic year. In fact, it is also the last post of primary school for our lovely Year 6s of Kite class. This week, we have made the most of all our opportunities to try different enrichment activities and spend time together. We have:

- enjoyed a final trip together to Forest School where we made pizza wraps, sang around the fire and free played in the trees,

- swam in our fabulous school pool for the last few times,

- celebrated with our familes at Leavers' Evening,

- engaged with a fantastic Lego programming Masterclass run by Mr. Everest from Kings Ely, where we created vehicles to challenge each other in a programmable tug-o-war,

- completed our final free write based on an eerie short film stimulus called Alma,

- participated in our last couple of RSE sessions,

- spent time with our little buddies,

- engaged in PE with Mr. Cox and Computing with Mrs. Bowen for one last time,

- enjoyed our final, hard-earned reward time by watching the original 'The Wizard of Oz' and sharing tasty treats,

- packed up our school possessions;

and finally,

- said farewell to Stretham Primary School for the last time at our Leavers' Events (assembly, lunch and 'Parade of Honour') on the last day.


Thank you for being an outstanding Year 6 class, Kites. We have loved watching you blossom and bloom over your time at Stretham and are glad we got to be  part of your stories. We know that each and every one of your futures is bright so keep on shining! We will miss you all!




Week Beginning Monday 8th July

What an outstanding week in Kite class! 

Monday was the dress rehearsal for the UKS2 production of 'The Wizard of Oz' starring our Year 6 actors in the lead roles and supported by the Year 5 ensemble. The rehearsal was enjoyed by the remainder of the school and was a helpful preparation step before our two evening performances of the show on Tuesday and Wednesday. A huge thank you to everyone who helped to make the production possible, especially Jack Stinton from JSDC who provided the the sound and lighting expertise which helped our cast show off their skills on stage to perfection. A further thank you to all the community members who gave such positive feedback about the performances and made generous donations to our collection.

(Anyone still wishing to make a donation - however big or small- to the performance donation pot to help cover costs would still be able to until the end of the final week of term when Mrs Cullum will do a final count up for us to see if we have covered costs and have anything remaining to add into the Stretham Community Primary School fundraising pot.)


In addition to performing, Kite class have also enjoyed:

- engaging with some more 'Maths Eyes' reasoning challenges across various topics;

- getting in the pool to complete some distance swims and some free swim reward time too;

- making 3d paper/ card models of our ideal playground structure designs;

- starting our eerie, descriptive narratives based on a short film stimulus called 'Alma';

- participating in our final sponsored walk event at Stretham Primary - the Step and Stride to Little Thetford and back;

- athletics and games with Mr. Cox in PE and 

- Computing with Mrs. Bowen for almost the last time;


- a very special visit to Forest School with our little buddies from Ladybird class - where they shared their fireside bakes and we sang songs together. What a fabulous way to end the week!

On Friday, along with their reports, Kite class also brought home their SATs results. I'm sure you were as proud of your children as we were. They have done themselves proud.

Kite class, this has been a busy, challenging but brilliant week. We are very proud of all you have achieved!

Monday 1st July

This week, has been a full one with further transition days to secondary for some, as well as our usual lessons, and preparations for the production and the summer fair. 

Kites have particularly enjoyed:

  • completing their free narrative write entitled "Made of More", based on a short film stimulus and incorporating as many author techniques as possible;
  • creating programme designs for their production and prepping our stall for the summer fair;
  • Editing their 'Made of More' write with their peers to seek advice about vocabulary, punctuation, spelling and structure choices;
  • discussions around our 'Maths Eyes', where we used images to inspire conversations rich in mathematical language and pose questions to one another that seem simple at the outset but are actually quite complex when paired with the images;
  • rehearsing as a Year 6 and also with all of UKS2 for our production - 'The Wizard of Oz' (It's really coming together now!). This production has given us valuable opportunities to develop our sense of musicality, to turn lines into drama and learn how to project our voices in a vaulted space in different ways for singing and speech;

We have also continued our swimming, PE, Computing and RHSE lessons in between all of the above.


Year 6 look forward to the week to come which will include our Dress Rehearsal - shown to the rest of the school, followed by our two performances on Tuesday 9th and Wednesday 10th July. We hope you've ordered your tickets!

If not, there is still time so please contact the office if you would like to book your places.

Week Beginning Monday 24th June


The week started with a bang for Kite class, who enjoyed their final Sports Day of primary school with their team mates across the 4 houses on Monday of this week. Kites gave their all to the flat races and very much enjoyed their novelty ‘Water Race’. They particularly enjoyed the end where Mr. Sweeney was a very good sport and accepted a playful dowsing by Year 6.


On Monday afternoon, the stage went up in the hall in preparation for the final staging of the UKS2 production. Kites have been fully immersed in their preparations for their UKS2 production of ‘The Wizard of Oz’ and have enjoyed becoming their fantastical characters.


After our Rang-Tan writing project, we found out more about how palm oil plantations have been devastating natural areas of rainforest through deforestation. The children were shocked by the statistics we discovered about how many trees had been lost in the last year and the impact of the lost habitat on the rainforest homes of various creatures including orangutans. We decided to write letters to local supermarkets sharing our concerns about the number of products on their shelves that still contain palm oil and to ask them to consider our recommendation about stocking RSPO products instead.


Throughout the week, we have continued to read excerpts from our current Class Reader – ‘Holes’ by Louis Sachar – and have discussed the writer’s hints at character features carefully woven within the text.


We have also been exploring the connections between Maths and Art by using number patterns and straight lines to create optical illusions.


We have enjoyed further swim sessions to continue to fine tune our strokes We have also continued our RSHE learning by comparing how the children perceive themselves physically and mentally now, how they think they will be as teenagers and then as grown-ups.


Finally, we have ended the week by going cloud gazing to inspire our planning for our writing assessment based on a short film called ‘Made of More’. Kites were given the freedom to write a piece of fiction inspired by the clouds we spotted in the skies over Stretham and the cloud that featured journeying through the short film we watched. Kites have planned in fine examples of figurative language, descriptive vocabulary and some interesting sentence structures.


Week Beginning 17th June 2024

In Kite class this week, we have leapt into production rehearsals and swimming with equal gusto.

In swimming, our focus has been developing or polishing our front and back crawl strokes. Some children have also been taking on the 'No Fear Float'. We know that if we can float...we can swim...and we can save ourselves. The resilience shown in the pool this week has been so pleasing to see.

As you can see from the photos, the production is well underway. We have started staging and marking out scenes. We have also enjoyed sessions with Year 5 to work on our collective songs. The stage will go up next week then we can really bring life to our show.

On top of all that, Year 6 have also kept going with their Rang-Tan diary writing task which deals with the topic of deforestation from the perspective of a creature living in that habitat. They have enjoyed some further Geography lessons about the Amazon Rainforest and some Maths challenges where we needed to reflect on our reasoning skills once more.

We were fortunate to have an opportunity to learn junior First Aid this week too. Annie, our trainer, gave us some very straightforward guidelines to follow so we could be the most help to someone in need if we were ever required to be. Annie also gave us our certificates and a special information booklet to take home to remind us of what we now know. It feels good to have the foundation of this important life skill before we head to secondary school.

We also enjoyed the Kickathon hosted by Premier Sport and were blown away by the  powerful kicks of our classmates.

Thankfully, the sun has come out and we have been able to enjoy some sessions of outdoor learning too including working on our DT playground designs and discussing our current class reader - Holes by Louis Sachar. 

Week Beginning Monday 10th June

Year 6 are back into the swing of school life and have really enjoyed the variety of activities on offer.

We have:

- enjoyed visits from the Cambridgeshire Smoking and Vaping Awareness and the Mental Health Support team as part of our transition to secondary school preparation;

- loved getting back into the new school pool for swimming lessons;

- using our programming knowledge to navigate a pathway for our M-Bots from Kite class all the way to Mr. Sweeney's office;

- leapt into the role of a young orangutan called Rang-Tan to write his diary documenting his experiences of deforestation in his rainforest home;

- completed the evaluation phase of our science invetstigations around the impact of forces of the design and flight of a hoop glider;

- reinvigorated our key Maths skills through various number challenges, where spotting the patterns in the numbers was the key to success;

- investigated structures within playground equipment and what make them structurally sound;


- started some intensive song and script practice for the UKS2 production.



Year 6 Residential - Caythorpe Court 2024

After a gentle start at school checking our bags and doing a quick script read through for production, we had lunch at school before hopping on the coach. We have now arrived safely at PGL Caythorpe Court. Our lovely leader Amber settled us into our rooms and took us off for a tour of the site. We marveled at the forest, lake and amazing activities on offer. Later, we enjoyed out first activity: climbing! Watch this space for photographs...

Day 2 Year 6 Residential Caythorpe Court

After a quiet night, we started our day with a hearty cooked breakfast, cereal and fruit. Then, it was off to Activity 1 - Disc Golf. We had a great time in the forest learning the art of combining golf and ultimate frisbee into a brand new sport. Later, we went back in to the woods for our Survivor sessions. It was fun to make use of our fire lighting skills and further developed our wittling and shelter building skills. We did so well we were able to 'weather the storm' that blew in as our final test.

We had a tasty lunch of chicken or cheeseburgers, chips and salad before heading off for the afternoon activities of archery and the favourite - Giant Swing. After a delicious dinner and a quick trip to the gift shop, we were out again braving the elements to take on the 'Passport to World' orienteering challenge. Well done to the winning team but a big well done to us all for surviving the session if somewhat soggy at the end of it!!

Day 3 - Year 6 Residential Caythorpe Court

Gosh! What an action packed day we have all enjoyed today! After another tasty, big breakfast, we dashed back to our dorms to get ready for our jammed packed, activity filled day. Our fun leaders led us through activities of: Raft Building, Problem Solving, High Ropes, Archery Tag and later, Balloon Splash after dinner. Our groups braved the ever changing weather during these energetic activities and loved every second. Everyone took on big personal challenges involving height or water and were really proud of breaking down their boundaries. The team building skills you are acquiring are a sight to behold. Well done everyone - you are amazing!! 

Day 4 - Year 6 Residential Caythorpe Court

A fabulous, final, full day at Caythorpe for Year 6 today. The sun was out for us and we celebrated a special birthday for one of our pupils too. Another tasty cooked breakfast with sides of toast, yoghurt and fruit fuelled us for activities which included: Fencing, Abseiling, a Sensory Trail and taking on the Trapeze. You can see from the photographs how much fun we have had and how courageous we have all been when taking on new challenges. Having our friends to support us really helped and a special visit from Mr Sweeney was a lovely surprise! He was so impressed by all we have experienced and achieved this week. After a delicious dinner, where some of the options included Garlic Breaded Chicken, Homemade meat or vegetarian lasagne and tasty salad, veggie and potato side dishes, we headed off for our last evening activity - a D-I-S-C-O! The children were delighted that their favourite leaders - Amber and Benny - were hosting the disco and were there to witness their fantastic dance moves. What a great way to spend our final evening of Residential!

Day 5 - Last Day of the Year 6 Residential to Caythorpe Court 2024

It was with mixed feelings that we started our final day at Caythorpe Court. Whilst we have all missed our families, we have had such an amazing experience with PGL at Caythorpe Court that it was hard to think about leaving. Fortunately, after a slightly earlier start to clean our dorms and complete the final pack up, we trooped off with our lovely leader Amber for our final hearty breakfast. Fuelled and ready to go, both groups took on our final two out of 19 activities tackled during our residential adventure. Group One went off to try their hand at the rifle range whilst Group Two took on the Vertical Challenge - one of our trickiest and most tiring climbing challenges to date. After a brief break, the groups switched activities so we all got to try our hand at both. Despite the tiredness creeping in, all the children gave their all to these final activities showing positive attitudes, resilience and the fantastic mutual support we have seen blossom over the course of the week. Well done Kites - you are an example to us all!

After a filling fish, chips and salad lunch, it was time to spend some final moments with our wonderful PGL leaders before grabbing our bags and heading for the coach for the ride back to Stretham. Just before we left, one of the senior PGL managers came out to say her goodbyes and presented each child with a little PGL bear as a gift from the team for being one of the most polite, enthusiastic and delightful school groups they have ever had through! I think that says it all. Here's to an amazing residential - Caythorpe Court 2024!


Year 6 Topic Web - Summer Term 2024

Week Beginning 20th May

In Year 6, we have made the most of being 'Post-SATs' to dive back into our curriculum this week. We have enjoyed PE with Mr Cox and Computing lessons with Mrs Bowen, where we used Microbits to take temperature reading around our school site to share with a national study.

We have enjoyed breaking down the 'Working Scientifically' portion of the Science curriculum into stages, such as problem solving, and focusing on them to demonstrate our prior knowledge when investigating.

Year 5 and 6 had such fun on our field trip to the University of Cambridge Botanic Gardens this week. It was fascinating to learn about the plants of various global biomes, to explore the botanic gardens and find the exceedingly tall redwoods.

We also enjoyed completing our Writing challenege - 'Recipes for Friendship'.

What a wonderful week before our half term holidays!

Week Beginning Monday 13th May

What a week we have had Kites! This week, you completed SATs tests in the following areas:

- Monday - Grammar, Punctuation and Spelling Paper 1 and Standalone Spelling - Paper 2

- Tuesday - Reading paper

- Wednesday - Maths Paper 1 - Arithmetic and Maths Paper 2 - Reasoning

- Thursday - Maths Paper 3 - Reasoning (2nd paper)

Every morning, we met for SATs Breakfast Club and tried to get outside for a bit of a play either before, part way through or after each of our tests (when the weather allowed). It was so nice to hear your calm chatter and see your smiling faces as you tucked into your choice of breakfast.

In the afternoons, we completed a little revision each day to ready us for the next day and then did something completely different (played games, did some art, enjoyed PE and Computing sessions, etc) to give our brains a break. 

By Friday, the testing was complete and you were ready for a well-deserved roll on Den Building Day!

Your dens were just like you: creative, fun and utterly unique! It was lovely to see your practical, scientific and architectural skills in action. At one stage, one den evolved into a castle fort!! We particularly enjoyed the way you built some connective tunnels between dens in the afternoon which really just highlighted how inclusive you are as a class. You also had an opportunity to play games, draw, hang out, watch a movie and enjoy the utterly delicious looking treat trays that Mrs. Marsh made for you. (Thank you Mrs Marsh!)

Year 3 kindly made each and every one of us a 'Congratulations' card for finishing our SATs. Thank you Year 3 - how thoughtful you all are.

We also finally got to hand out your Leavers' Hoodies and how fabulous you look. What a lovely way to end the week!

Well done Year 6 - you have shown incredible skills, kindness and resilience this week - a true mark of a successful Year 6!

We rounded off the week with the PSA Colour Dash event which it looked like you enjoyed immensely. Thank you to the PSA for hosting this brilliantly fun event at the end of a long and busy week.

Week Beginning 6th May

After a refreshing Bank Holiday weekend, Kite class came into school ready to complete some final revision and practice questions to prepare us for our SAT testing which begins next Monday. We found that by doing a mixture of independent practice, group work and games/ challenges that we could feel more confident about our knowledge. We even managed to find a way to combine our fitness focus from PE with a SPaG themed game too! Outdoor learning can really help keep us focused and calm. A few learning breaks to the library, some artwork in preparation for the Stretham Feast and reading outside (and the occasional biscuit!) helped too! 

We've enjoyed our learning in other subjects across the curriculum including: Computing, PE, Geography, Art and History.

Wish us luck for SATs Week next week!


Week Beginning Monday 29th April


Kite class have continued to review key areas of Maths, Reading and SPaG ahead of our SATs testing but we have also been:

- enjoying participating in a drumming workshop where we reviewed our Music knowledge of pitch, rhythm and tempo, as well as the importance to listening to each other to perfect our performance;

- using our class text ‘Wonder’ to create a piece of instructional writing called ‘Recipe for Friendship’ for the main character August;

- learning more about Viking life through storytelling the classic Norse tale of Beowulf;

- using our fitness skills to participate in a whole school skipping challenge;

- challenging our understanding of the various concepts including the formulas needed to find the area of triangles, parallelograms and a rhombus, as well as re-exploring the calculation of Volume (Maths);

- developing our approach to working with Statistics by reworking reasoning questions;

- creating a comparative paragraph about the megacities of South America with a focus on Rio de Janeiro and São Paulo;

- programming Microbits to count up and down during our Computing lesson with Mrs. Bowen;

- participating in a SPaG questions scavenger hunt to test our skills and knowledge development;


- delving into the world of Microorganisms in Science.


Drumming Workshop

Still image for this video
Building and layering rhythms using drums and percussion instruments

Week Beginning Monday 22nd April


With SATs just a few weeks away, Kite class have been:

- developing reading fluency and comprehension skills, including retrieval, vocabulary awareness and inference skills, through multiple texts including ‘Dawn at Midnight’, ‘Wonder’ and some past SATs texts;

- learning more about the movements of the Vikings and their journeys further afield within our Norse Culture unit;

- completing regular daily practice of our arithmetic skills;

- upping our fitness levels through out Fitness unit in PE, by working on our balance, speed, stamina, strength, coordination and agility;

- challenging our understanding of the relationships between fractions, decimals and percentages (Maths);

- developing our approach to finding the area and perimeter of various shapes by reworking reasoning questions;

- investigating the way of life in the megacities of South America with a focus on Rio de Janeiro and São Paulo;

- working with Microbits during our Computing lesson with Mrs. Bowen;

- identifying Word Classes and good examples of higher-level punctuation as part of our SPaG skill and knowledge reviews;


- using our knowledge of ‘curious creatures’ to create our own scientific journals describing and classifying unusual animals of our own creation in English and Science.


This week, the Year 6 children who will be joining Witchford Village College in September also enjoyed a chance to meet their Head of Year 7 – Ms. Chambers. Children who will be joining some of the other local secondary schools will have a similar meeting of their own in upcoming weeks.

Week Beginning Monday 15th April


Welcome back to the first week of the new term. This week, Kites have:

- used our own research and knowledge of a specific animal to create a non-chronological report, using audience choices to inform our presentation;

- learnt about the key figures of Norse Culture through a story called ‘The Great Tree and the gods’ in History;

- enjoyed getting back into the library after two weeks holidays to choose new books and spend some time enjoying them;

- revisited our rapid recall arithmetic skills;

- began new units in PE, including Fitness, which tested our speed, balance, agility and coordination;

- embedded our understanding of the relationship between fractions, decimals and percentages through FDP Bingo as well as other models and challenges (Maths);

- developed our evidencing and explanations through calculations and modelling in reasoning questions;

- delved further into the wonderful characters within the text ‘Wonder' by R.J.Palacio and have studied key vocabulary whilst also using our retrieval and inference skills;

- enjoyed our Computing lesson with Mrs. Bowen;

- identified Word Classes as part of our SPaG skill and knowledge reviews;


- built on our knowledge of ‘curious creatures’ to explore those living things that are hard to classify in Science.


We have had a wonderful first week back at school together. 😊 

Year 6 Topic Web - Spring Term 2024

Week Beginning Monday 25th March


During this final week of the term, Kites have enjoyed:

- using our own research and knowledge of animals to draft carefully crafted blocks of text for non-chronological reports;

- delving further into the foundations of Norse Culture in our History lessons;

- finalising our sensory language writing and getting it ready to show off on our new display – Sensory Stretham;

- participating in OAA sessions with Mr Cox in PE;

- further developing our thinking and the quality of our explanations through multi-topic reasoning questions – with a focus on explaining the connections we need to make before we calculate;

- showing our understanding of forming expressions, using substitution and solving equations in our Algebra unit (Maths);

- watching the Bee Musical performed by Years 3 and 4;

- reading three short texts which included a non-chronological report, an atmospheric poem and an extract from a longer story called ‘Albion’s Dream’ to help us develop our identification of key vocabulary and use of inference skills, as well as more of our Class Novel – ‘Wonder' by R.J.Palacio;

- joining the rest of the school in and Easter Quiz (as our annual Easter Egg Hunt was rained off);

- identifying risky situations at home and how accidents (especially those involving electricity) could be prevented by making safe choices;

- creating colourful Easter creations to share with our families.


Wishing you all the happiest of Easter holidays with your loved ones. Enjoy some rest, relaxation and fun and we’ll see you again in April 😊 

Week Beginning Monday 18th March


This week, Kites have particularly enjoyed:

- our foray into outdoor writing which gave us an opportunity to appreciate the sensory offerings of our school site;

- delving into the wealth of classes within the animal kingdom in science including creating informative double page spreads about each class including less talked of varieties such as Echinoderms and Annelids;

- applying the sensory language gained from our school site walks to help us free write descriptive paragraphs from a picture stimulus yet again showing that great writing doesn’t always have to happen at a desk;

- participating in OAA sessions with Mr Cox in PE;

- developing our thinking through multi-topic reasoning questions – with a focus on explaining our method for calculating an answer but also explaining the connections we need to make before we can begin to calculate using sentence stems such as, ‘Before I can calculate the value of X, I must find…’;

- showing the connections between finding missing values, forming expressions and substitution when studying Algebra. (Maths);

- reading a discussion inducing picture book called ‘The Proudest Blue’ by Ibtihaj Muhammad (which linked to our recent unit about Living Muslim Traditions), as well as more of our Class Novel – ‘Wonder' by R.J.Palacio;

- building our foundation skills including a strong backhand in the next session of our PE unit for Tennis;

- learning to identify situations where basic first aid would be of use and to understand our growing responsibility in preventing a wider range of accidents at school/ home;

- creating compositions for still life sketching;

- starting our humanities units about the Norse Culture (History), and North and South America (Geography).


Kite class have also given their best this week when tackling their spring PIRA and PUMA assessments too. We are really proud of your efforts and attitude. 

Week Beginning Monday 11th March


Kite class have really enjoyed leaping into their learning this week which has had a science focus in honour of British Science Week. Kites have particularly enjoyed:

- our hands-on ‘Time’ themed daily science challenges;

- investigating pendulums and drawing on our knowledge of Forces from Year 5 to attempt to create a pendulum which swings and stops at exactly 30 seconds - Kites were proud to achieve 2nd place in the whole school competition on Thursday afternoon;

- participating in sensory language walks in our outside spaces at school (no matter the weather!) to gather language to make sensory poetry and descriptive paragraphs and showing that great writing doesn’t always have to happen at a desk;

- participating in a one-off contemporary dance workshop with Jack from JSDC, who taught us the importance of control in our movements to achieve the intended impact;

- maintaining the accuracy of our Maths fluency skills whilst increasing our speed through daily rapid arithmetic practice and extending our thinking through multi-topic reasoning questions – with a focus on geometry this week;

- showing the ‘real-life’ applications of recipes when studying Proportion. (Maths);

- reading a thought provoking picture book called ‘Uno’s Garden’ by Graeme Base (which linked to our current science unit about living things and habitats and our geography unit about migration), as well as more of our Class Novel – ‘Wonder' by R.J.Palacio;

- continuing to review and develop our foundation skills in the second session of our new PE unit for Tennis;

- participating in a virtual Science lesson which connected to our current science unit about Living things and how they adapt/ change over time;

- reflecting on risks that exist for us in our daily lives including those as a pedestrian, as a cyclist, near railways and in the sun and how we can adjust what we do to keep ourselves safe;

- summarising our learning within our humanities units about the Lady of Mercia (History), the Living Traditions of Muslims (Religion and Worldviews) and Migration (Geography) and giving ourselves time to reflect on all that we have learnt through these areas of the curriculum by challenging each other with questions of our own creation (Question Matrix).


Kite class, like all the other classes, have also enjoyed shopping in the Science week class shop and discovering pocket-money-priced, science themed items of interest. We hope you all enjoy exploring your purchases with your families at home.

Week Beginning Monday 4th March


It’s been a week of learning and great experiences based around books and animals for Kite class this week. We enjoyed dressing up in our school’s animal theme for World Book Day and all the linked events during the week. Kites have enjoyed:

- our hands-on Animal Experience session on Monday, which not only fed in to our book week theme but also dovetailed perfectly with our learning in Science about Living Things and their Habitats;

- forming and asking questions to Kayleigh from Animal Experience about each of the amazing creatures we handled to help us understand their physical evolution and adaptations;

- choosing a genre of writing they enjoyed and working with a learning partner to complete the research, before writing, drafting and decorating a final piece about the bird our class is named after - a kite – to be part of our class book;

- maintaining our Maths fluency skills through daily rapid arithmetic practice and continued to extend our thinking through multi-topic reasoning questions – with a focus on algebra this week;

- developing their understanding of the importance of accurate language and balance when working with Ratio and making similar applications to Proportion. Continuous use of concrete modelling really helped, as did drawn models! (Maths);

- reading a fun new text on World Book Day called ‘The Koala Who Could’ and some more of a text called ‘The Dream Snatcher’ by Abi Elphinstone, as well as our Class Novel – ‘Wonder' by R.J.Palacio and using this new knowledge to complete some vocabulary and inference based activities;

- starting the first session of our new PE unit for Tennis where we focused on hand-eye coordination and control;

- participating in various virtual author events, including the BBC World Book Day Live lesson and the practical create your own twisted fairy tale event featuring Michael Rosen;

- editing various pieces of work with a fresher mind to rethink which language is the ‘best’ vocabulary for the purpose as well as inserting the most impactful structures and punctuation, particularly the use of inverted commas around blocks of dialogue;

- using previously taught art skills (zentangling) to create our own miniature kites to decorate our class book written in honour of World Book Day 2024;

- completing our humanities units about the Lady of Mercia (History), the Living Traditions of Muslims (Religion and Worldviews) and Migration (Geography) and giving ourselves time to reflect on all that we have learnt through these areas of the curriculum.


Don’t forget to check out all the story time videos recorded by the teachers just for you. They are on Seesaw and will be there for the next week.


We wish all the Kite class mums, grandmas and mum-like figures in our lives a wonderful weekend with your family.

Week Beginning Monday 26th February

Welcome back after half term everyone!


Kite class have leapt straight back into their learning by:

- developing their understanding and use of speech punctuation;

- making conscious choices about where to use dialogue within their narrative writing to either move the action on, to develop character or to build tension;

- rebooting our fluency skills through rapid arithmetic practice and continued to challenge our thinking through multi-topic reasoning questions;

- using their understanding of the importance of accurate language and balance when working with Ratio. Continuous use of concrete modelling really helped! (Maths);

- completed some vocabulary, prediction, retrieval and inference based activities related to the opening of a new text called ‘The Dream Snatcher’ by Abi Elphinstone and our Class Novel – ‘Wonder' by R.J.Palacio;

- enjoyed the final yoga session of our unit where we independently applied our acquired knowledge of specific yoga poses, balance and flow in P.E;

- finding out about the ‘grandfather of classification’ – Carolus Linnaeus and his standardised system for organising living things and then used his system to find out the correct classification for a living thing of their choice;

- edited our descriptive story starts rethinking which language is the ‘best’ vocabulary for the purpose as well as inserting the most impactful structures and punctuation, particularly the use of inverted commas around blocks of dialogue;

- rehearsed our understanding of rhythms through clapping patterns in our Advanced Rhythms unit in Music;

- continued our humanities units about the rebuilding of the kingdom of Mercia (History), discussed the importance of prayer to practising Muslims (Religion and Worldviews) and learnt how voluntary and involuntarily migration can change a place (Geography).


We also enjoyed the first week of various clubs returning to our after-school timetable including SATs club, gardening club, netball and football. What a great beginning to the half term!

Week Beginning Monday 12th February

This week in our school library, we celebrated ‘Book Love’ with our ‘Book Love is…’ display. In addition, every class received a beautifully wrapped, surprise parcel on Valentine’s Day. It was a specially chosen ‘Blind Date with a book’ package for each class. Children loved unwrapping the mystery reads and sharing them in class. Do take a look at our weekly photographs and the English curriculum page to see more of this.


Kite class have also:

- independently written a ‘How to…’ guide to accompany the natural bird feeders they made and hug in the trees around the school grounds. The children made use of step by step photographs or hand-drawn illustrations to make their guides user friendly for all;

- kept up our fluency through rapid arithmetic practice and challenged our thinking through multi-topic reasoning questions;

- consolidated their knowledge of finding fractions of amounts through reasoning challenges and have begun to realise the importance of language and balance when working with Ratio. Concrete modelling really helped! (Maths);

- completed some vocabulary, prediction, retrieval and inference based activities related to the opening of a new text called ‘Malamander’ by Thomas Taylor and our Class Novel – ‘Wonder' by R.J.Palacio;

- enjoyed a one-off bhangra dance workshop in P.E;

- explored and applied strategies for managing risky situations including scenarios related to being safe at school, when socialising with friends without parental supervision and when online/ using mobile phones  (PSHE);

- enjoyed using what we know about the classification of living things to create classification keys;

- written descriptive story starts or sections from a visual stimuli to focus on the purpose of writing – to engage our audience – through choosing the ‘best’ vocabulary for the purpose as well as the most impactful structures and punctuation. This helped us to think about how to maintain author voice when writing;

- developed our knowledge of different notes and rhythms through our Advanced Rhythms unit in Music;

- continued our humanities units about the growing Viking presence in Britain (History), found out more about the importance of prayer to practising Muslims (Religion and Worldviews) and reflected on the experiences of those forced to migrate involuntarily - Refugees (Geography).


We wish you all a happy and healthy half term. Enjoy your time together and we look forward to seeing you again on Monday 26th February.

Week Beginning Monday 5th February

This week, Kite class have:

- each completed independently written biographies for a well-known figure of their choice being careful to engage their audience and use their writing skill to make the most of their person’s achievements;

- developed the art of dividing any fraction by an integer and finding fractions of amounts (Maths);

- completed some retrieval and inference based activities related to our Class Novel – ‘Wonder' by R.J.Palacio;

- made balance the focus for our next level yoga poses and flows in P.E;

- enjoyed reading about the work of scientist Carolus Linnaeus to develop our comprehension skills (alongside the development of our scientific knowledge in the area of classification);

- explored and applied strategies for managing risky situations (PSHE);

- carried out a practical task to give us first-hand experience for writing instructions which allowed us to think about purpose whilst also including our own voices to engage our audience;

- used our flavour combination knowledge to help us hunt for recipes as part of a three-course menu design making the most of our hero ingredients – peppers, salmon and pineapple;

- continued our humanities units about the unity of Wessex and Mercia in the face of a growing Viking presence in Britain (History), found out more about the importance of prayer within Muslim traditions (Religion and Worldviews) and compared the migration stories of two individuals (Geography) to find their similarities and differences.



Music - Advanced Rhythms

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Using clapping and alternative notes names to create group rhythms.

Week Beginning Monday 29th January

This week, Kite class have:

- carefully selected vocabulary and used the ‘A FOREST’ strategies to help create persuasive speeches based on the picture book ‘The Day the Crayons Quit’;

- developed the art of multiplying and dividing fractions by other fractions and integers (Maths);

- completed some plot and character retrieval and inference activities based on our new Class Novel – ‘Wonder' by R.J.Palacio;

- utilised both balance and control when performing yoga poses as part of various flows in P.E;

- enjoyed exploring the lyrics of a song which linked to our Science learning about ‘Electricity’ called ‘Wires’ to develop our comprehension skills;

- reflected on the positives and negatives of risk and their role in our own lives (PSHE);

- each independently written a biography about a well-known person of choice, using past learning to support the structure and language choices;

- enjoyed a fascinating talk from special science guest (engineer), Mr. Ashby, who answered all our remaining questions about electricity and energy, with a focus on insulators and conductors, safety and the wonderful world of atoms;

- continued our DT unit by tasting further flavours and exploring some well-tested and some more avant-garde combinations;

- continued our humanities units about the last surviving Anglo Saxon kingdom in the face of Viking invasion in Britain (History) and found out more about Living Muslim Traditions in the diverse setting of Beirut (Religion and Worldviews).


Week Beginning Monday 22nd January

This week, Kite class have:

- completed some fantastic reflections and short pieces of persuasive writing based on the picture book ‘The Day the Crayons Quit’;

- further developed our calculating with fractions skills including the four operations (Maths);

- completed some character assessments based on our new Class Novel – ‘Wonder' by R.J.Palacio;

- developed our balance, control and technique in both yoga flow practice and gymnastic sequences in P.E;

- read a non-fiction text which linked to our Science learning about ‘Electricity’ called ‘How Burglar Alarms Work’ to develop our comprehension skills;

- looked at the positives and negatives of risk in our own lives (PSHE);

- learnt about the role of protons, neutrons and electrons in the flow of electricity when dealing with insulators and conductors;

- begun our DT unit by identifying various flavours and considering why certain combinations work;

- continued our new humanities units about the migration – asking why people migrate (Geography) and the arrival of the Vikings in Britain (History);

- and found out more about Living Muslim Traditions (Religion and Worldviews).

Week Beginning Monday 15th January

This week, Kite class have:

- continued to embed our school behaviour expectations (Be Ready, Be Respectful and to Be Safe.)

- completed some fantastic one-off descriptive writing pieces for Mr. Sweeney;

- continued to calculate with fractions including mixed numbers (Maths);

- completed the final pages of our beloved autumn reader – “There’s a Boy in the Girls’ Bathroom” and continued our new Class Novel – ‘Wonder' by R.J.Palacio recording our impressions of the characters;

- developed our yoga flow practice in P.E;

- reflected on our past humanities learning by completing a collaborative Question Matrix;

- created our own layered artwork involving washes, drips, geometry and various media in the style of abstract artist Frank Bowling;

- used our acquired knowledge of Frank Bowling to create our own biographies;

- continued our new humanities units about the migration (Geography) and the arrival of the Vikings in Britain (History);

- and enjoyed learning about the Kodaly method for making music.

Back to School – Week Beginning Monday 8th January

Welcome back! We do hope you all had an enjoyable holiday and are rested and raring to go. Despite our false start to this week, Kite class have been busy catching up with our friends and getting settled back in to our learning for the new term.

This week, we have:

- revisited our school behaviour expectations (We are now clear that at school, we aspire to: Be Ready, Be Respectful and to Be Safe.);

- reviewed our foundations of fractions before thinking about how to compare, order and calculate with them (Maths);

- begun our new Class Novel – ‘Wonder' by R.J.Palacio, following the story of an ordinary 10 year old boy who sometimes thinks that he is anything but ordinary;

- participated in our first yoga lesson of this term;

- reflected on our past humanities learning by completing a collaborative Question Matrix;

- found out about the amazing life and work of the abstract artist Frank Bowling in Art;

- used our acquired knowledge of Frank Bowling to help us learn about the structure and features of a biography;

- started our new humanities units about the migration (Geography) and the arrival of the Vikings in Britain (History);

- and enjoyed our gymnastics lesson with Mr. Cox and our Computing session with Mrs. Bowen.


Well done for making a wonderful start to 2024 Kites!

Year 6 Topic Web for autumn 2023

Home Learning for Monday 8th January 2024

Good morning Kites. Please see the attached documents with the details of today's Home Learning tasks and the Maths materials.

Please try each activity to the best of your ability.

Mrs. E

Video message from Mr Sweeney.MOV

Still image for this video

Week Beginning Monday 18th December

Kite class started the week with some well earnt and well spent time in our Forest School area. Children enjoyed creating settlements and exploring the wintery (if somewhat muddy) terrain. They also engaged in role play in the mud kitchen, as well as developing skills through den building and making natural bird feeders to take home to their gardens for Christmas. Due to the cold damp conditions, we indulged ourselves with a warming hot chocolate and some homemade rock road (or biscuit alternative) around the fire circle.

We also made a trip to St James' Church to complete a brief run through of our offerings for the church service. It was agreed that the singing and the readings were well performed. Well done everyone!

We have enjoyed a few festive activities in the last few days rounded off with a fabulous Christmas lunch cooked up by Mrs Marsh and served by staff from across the school.

Merry Christmas everyone!

Week Beginning Monday 11th December


This week, Kite class were lucky enough to be invited to the Early Years and Key Stage 1 Nativity dress rehearsal. We were so impressed by the acting, singing and especially the ‘twinkly star’ dancing of our little buddies. Thank you for sharing your performance with us all. We think you are all stars!


Kite class have also:

- read more of – ‘There’s a Boy in the Girls’ Bathroom by Louis Sachar’, marvelling at how quickly events took a negative turn for our main character and made predictions about upcoming events for Bradley, Jeff, Carla and Colleen;

- continued to exercise our arithmetic and reasoning brains;

- bravely completed our PIRA and PUMA assessments;

- reviewed our knowledge of equivalent fractions;

- found out about the changing Anglo-Saxon kingdom of Mercia in History;

- further developed our offering for the Christmas church service;

- used our knowledge of electrical circuit symbols and basic circuit construction to set ourselves queries to prove/ disprove;

- enjoyed a bonus Computing session with Mrs Bowen;


- planned and wrote our own festive letters in role and festive free writes to use our creative language.


Week Beginning Monday 4th December


This week, Kite class have:

- continued reading – ‘There’s a Boy in the Girls’ Bathroom by Louis Sachar’ and tried to use quotes from the text to explain our reasoning for the main character’s thinking and actions;

- evaluated our clay sculptures to conclude our project – take a look at the final products. We think the sculptor Mark Wallinger would be impressed with our efforts;

- unravelled wordy two step + word problems and used our reasoning skills to unpick mathematical starting points;

- participated enthusiastically in the festive Santa Dash;

- began to work on our offering for the Christmas church service;

- reviewed our knowledge of electrical circuit symbols and used our circuit kits to create different circuit set ups investigating the impact of cell numbers on bulb brightness;

- planned and wrote our own mini recount texts;

- read various texts linked to topics we are studying and answered questions using our comprehension skills;

- learnt how to form sentences in the Present and Past Perfect tense;

- and really enjoyed our whole school visit to the pantomime at the Cambridge Arts Theatre on Thursday. Thank you to the PSA, who helped to fund the visit, and to Mrs. Hawes and Mr. Sweeney for their organisation. It was an occasion never to be forgotten! 😊



Week Beginning Monday 27th November


This week, Kite class have:

- enjoyed more of our class reader – ‘There’s a Boy in the Girls’ Bathroom by Louis Sachar’ and made comparisons between the experiences of 3 significant characters and questioned what effect the author was trying to create through these repeat experiences;

- continued to develop our arithmetic and reasoning skills;

- been using long division skills to aid reasoning;

- developed our push pass skills in small games of Hockey to more effectively share the game play as a team;

- used our oracy skills (in group discussions) to unpick the reasons for bullying and how a community can support to make positive changes;

- completed our own clay head sculptures inspired by the statue ‘Ecce Homo’ (by Mark Wallinger - previously shown on the 4th plinth of Trafalgar Square) and by the distinctive facial sketches of Kathe Kollwitz;

- become familiar with the electrical circuit symbols and used them to draw different circuit set ups;

- planned and wrote our own narratives based on a monochrome picture stimulus;

- and really enjoyed welcoming in our families to participate in Christmas Craft afternoon. Thank you for everyone who helped us to fashion such fun and festive crafts! 😊


Week Beginning Monday 20th November


This week, Kite class have:

- continued to explore our class reader – ‘There’s a Boy in the Girls’ Bathroom by Louis Sachar’ and reflected on the journey that the main character, Bradley, has been on and the exciting changes that are finally happening for him;

- been using long division calculations to solve reasoning problems and surprising ourselves by how much progress we have made since September in developing our arithmetic and reasoning skills;

- used our new dribbling skills in Hockey to more effectively beat a defender when playing small games;

- developed our oracy skills through various paired and group discussions around the topic of bullying;

- used the opinions we formed and shared through our discussions of various stimulus questions to write considered responses;

- studied the sculpture ‘Ecce Homo’ by Mark Wallinger (previously shown on the 4th plinth of Trafalgar Square) and used it to inspire plans for our own clay sculptures;

- begun our new Science unit on Electricity by discussing how electricity is formed and the processes by which it is shared safely;

- used knowledge formed from scientific reading about the history of electricity to write non-fiction flowcharts to show the evolution of electricity;

- learnt about the impact of oceans on specific landmasses in Geography, with a focus on extreme conditions of tsunami and hurricanes;

- welcomed an amateur theatre group in to perform scenarios to trigger PSHE discussions as a follow up to our Anti-Bullying/ Kindness week unit. Thank you to King's Ely Prep for your incredible, thought provoking performances.

Week Beginning Monday 13th November


Kite class have enjoyed preparing for our class assembly and have:

- further explored our class reader – ‘There’s a Boy in the Girls’ Bathroom by Louis Sachar’ and explored its themes of friendship and bullying, along with an upcoming reader called ‘Wonder’ which shares similar themes;

- reviewed various methods for tackling long division calculations;

- used our new dribbling skills in Hockey to beat a defender when playing small games;

- performed our group dance in PE to an audience of Mr. Sweeney, Mr. Coackley and Mrs. E (who were all VERY impressed by our timing, coordination and enthusiasm!);

- compared/ contrasted the poems, both called ‘If,’ by Rudyard Kipling and Ian Bland;

- collaboratively wrote friendship poetry in the style of Ian Bland’s version of ‘If’ in honour of Kindness Week;

- used a monochrome palette as in Picasso’s piece – Guernica – to complete our own symbol-based compositions on the theme of ‘war’ before evaluating our artwork;

- created exploding books to share our knowledge on the topic of Light in Science;

- learnt about the importance of oceans in Geography, and started to find out about the connected kingdoms of the Anglo-Saxons in History;

- enjoying some quiet reading time with our favourite books;

- spent time with our little buddies from Ladybird class teaching them playground games and sharing books as one of our random acts of kindness;

- read the sheet music for and used tuned instruments to play the layered song we have been learning called ‘Gift of the Nile’, as well as taking a previously learnt song and tweaking the lyrics to make a special version for our assembly;


- celebrated Children in Need by wearing stripes and spots and placing Pennies on Pudsey as our charity donation.

To those that came to watch our class assembly on Friday - thank you!

Here is the poem we wrote collaboratively based on both Rudyard Kipling and Ian Bland's poems called 'If':


By Kite Class 2023

If you can help me with my homework,

Then, I will help with yours.


If you can make me laugh when I am feeling blue,

Then, I will be a true friend and make you laugh too.


If you can share your worries when they feel like a mountain to climb,

Then, I will protect you to the end of time.


If you can tell me I’m pretty, inside and out,

When I am feeling sad and drowning in self-doubt,


If you can love me through and through,

Then, I will tell you how beautiful your heart is too.


If you can make a noise for my rights,

Then, I will stand by you to make the future bright.


If you can like me for who I really am;

As much as I appreciate your care for me,

Then we will be friends forever.

Week Beginning Monday 6th November


Kite class have started November strongly and have:

- further explored our class reader – ‘There’s a Boy in the Girls’ Bathroom by Louis Sachar’ – and discussed the personal journey our main character Bradley is currently taking (so much so that we shrieked in horror as a class as we read of his actions at the end of the latest chapter!);

- reviewed our knowledge of fact family calculations and the techniques for division, using these calculation skills to prove our thinking for reasoning questions;

- completed our next Hockey session to build on our dribbling skills to beat a defender when playing small games;

- completed some Year 6 baseline testing in Maths and English (I’m so proud of your continued focus and positive attitudes Year 6!);

- read and analysed the poem ‘If’ by Rudyard Kipling;

- used a monochrome palette as in Picasso’s piece – Guernica – when creating our own symbol-based compositions on the theme of ‘war’;

- investigated what happens to light when we view it through a prism and how we can take our visible spectrum (rainbow of colours) and spin the colours to return to white light in Science;

- learnt about maritime trade in Geography, and found out how/ why the Anglo-Saxon migrations happened in History;

- read the sheet music for and used tuned instruments to play the layered song we have been learning called ‘Gift of the Nile’.

Week Beginning Monday 30th October

Welcome back! We hope you had a happy and restful half term.

Kite class certainly did so this week they have:

- written dramatically in the role of the narrator to retell the final scenes of the poem ‘The Highwayman’ (based on the work of Alfred Noyce)’ showing how language can set a scene, create tension, develop emotions in the reader and hold the readers’ attention;

- reviewed the techniques for short and long multiplication, using calculation to prove their thinking for reasoning questions;

- continued to develop our arithmetic skills and understanding how they can support our reasoning;

- took a second attempt at participating in the Active Run challenge (to make up for when the rain came before the holiday) and began to review our basic skills in our first hockey session;

- been excited about Halloween and plunged all that interest into our ‘Freaky Friday Free Writes’;

- investigated symbolism in artwork using Picasso’s piece – Guernica – as our inspiration to create a symbol-based composition of our own about ‘war’;

- discussed the imapct gender stereotypying online in Computing;

- investigated Refraction in Science through three mini investigations and through whole class discussion/ debate we had observed;

- started to learn about the difference between seas and oceans in Geography, and made links between previous units on the Romans and our new unit on the Anglo-Saxons in History;

- completed our first Hockey session to develop dribbling skills to beat a defender;

- and identified our personal support networks, including those available to us at school and how those support networks can provide us with support in new situations.


Enjoy a fun and safe Bonfire weekend 😊

Week Beginning Monday 16th October

This week, Kite class have:

- (some members of the class) participated in Bikeability and were proud to achieve their level 2;

- begun to learn about square and cube numbers (understanding how they connect to area and volume),

- continued to make pleasing progress in our arithmetic and have begun to feel a little more confident our reasoning skills by articulating our processes;

- written dramatically in the role of either the narrator, the Highwayman or Bess (from Alfred Noyce’s poem ‘The Highwayman)’ to consider how the main character would feel and react to the behaviour of others, using descriptive detail and figurative language to paint our readers a picture;

- participated in the Active Run challenge (as much as we could before the rain came!);

- completed our investigations about changing shadows by reflecting on our results and which aspects of our testing didn’t fit ‘fair test’ criteria in Science;

- summarised our learning from Geography, Religion and Worldviews and History;

- and completed a fitness circuits carousel to develop components of stamina, strength, balance and agility.


Have a restful, happy and healthy half term 😊

Week Beginning Monday 9th October

This week, Kite class have:

- welcomed John Hardwicke in to share a Light and Life assembly;

- learnt about the rules of divisibility and prime numbers, continued to make good progress in our arithmetic and have begun to feel more confident our reasoning skills by articulating our processes;

- demonstrated our ability to turn poetry into prose using Alfred Noyce’s poem ‘The Highwayman’ as a starting point and including descriptive detail and figurative language;

- participated in the Hula Hooping challenge at Bronze, Silver and Gold level;

- enjoyed a STEM challenge day hosted by Soham Village College where we won three awards – for our arithmetic skills, our vehicle design skills and for our teamwork;

- investigated shadows and thought carefully how best to record our methodology and observations in Science;

- found out about how assessing drought risks can help future generations (Geography) and found out the significance of the story of David and Sulayman within the faith of Islam (Religion and Worldviews);

- and tried the art techniques of ‘halo’ and ‘chiaroscuro’ when using charcoal for line drawn portraits.

Week Beginning Monday 2nd October

Kite class have enjoyed their first school week of October.

This week, we have:

- welcomed Mr Sweeney, our new Headteacher, into the school community and enjoyed his assembly;

- learnt about common factors and multiples, continued to leap forward in our arithmetic and have stretched our reasoning skills by learning to articulate our processes;

- learnt the different ways authors can make use of semi-colons and the role of figurative language in Alfred Noyce’s poem ‘The Highwayman’;

- read and summarised the classic, narrative poem ‘The Highwayman’ by Alfred Noyce;

- developed smoother strokes, lines and breathing during our swim lessons;

- enjoyed some getting to know you time with our little buddies in Reception/ EYFS;

- used non-standard music notation to create a piece of body percussion music;

- began to investigate shadows and carefully record our predictions and methodology in Science;

- found out about the importance of the Californian Aqueduct (Geography), how the city of Baghdad developed the wisdom via astronomy, maths and geography (History) and found out the importance of what happened when Musa listened to God within the faith of Islam (Religion and Worldviews);

- and developed the new art techniques of ‘halo’ and ‘chiaroscuro’ when using line drawings for portraits.

Some Year 6s even got involved in Tag Rugby training for an upcoming competition whilst others ran Active Crew sessions involving hula hoops for children of all ages on the playground. 

Lovely to see you all getting active and getting involved in school life!

Week Beginning Monday 25th September

We’ve had another brilliant week in Kite class.

This week, we have:

- started our Maths unit on addition, subtraction, multiplication and division and have stretched our thinking with reasoning questions on this topic;

- shown huge steps forward in arithmetic and the thinking required to tackle reasoning questions;

- learnt the different ways authors can make use of hyphens by looking at  Alfred Noyce’s poem ‘The Highwayman’;

- read the first 2 parts of classic, narrative poem ‘The Highwayman’ by Alfred Noyce and created a modern language version of one stanza of the poem;

- developed our breathing techniques alongside our strokes during our swim lessons;

- learnt how to create non-standard music notation for a piece of pop music;

- reviewed the parts of our eyes, how they help us to see and began to investigate shadows in Science;

- continued our humanities units about the importance of water for growing produce especially vital products like almonds in California (Geography), how the city of Baghdad became the House of Wisdom (History) and the story of Ibrahim’s Call within the faith of Islam (Religion and Worldviews);

- and used our art skills to create something wonderful to celebrate Christmas (to be revealed closer to Christmas!).


Kites – you have been inclusive, creative and shown kindness this week. What wonderful attitudes you have!

Week Beginning Monday 18th September

Despite the windy weather this week, we have kept ourselves focused and achieved a lot in Kite class.

This week, we have:

- completed our Maths unit on number and place value;

- demonstrated growing skill in arithmetic and the thinking required to tackle reasoning questions;

- modelled independent GPS and word level knowledge when annotating William Blake’s poem ‘The Tyger’;

- read the classic poem ‘The Tyger’ by William Blake and created an imitation of his poem, by keeping structure and poetic features, on a different theme;

- continued to develop our strokes during our swim lessons;

- developed our layered song called ‘Gift of the Nile’ in Music, where, as a class, we sang in two parts (one provided the beautiful echo to the main);

- thought more about light and how it helps us to see in Science;

- continued our humanities units about the importance of water across the world especially in warm climates like California (Geography), how the perfect of the city of Baghdad was built (History) and the story of The Great Flood within the faith of Islam (Religion and Worldviews);

- identified different ways of working collaboratively on paper and online using Scratch;

- and used our art skills to create something wonderful to celebrate Harvest next week.


Kites – you have shown kindness and tenacity this week. Keep up the excellent attitude!

Week Beginning Monday 11th September

What a fantastic first week we had! This week has also been an enjoyable one in Kite class.

This week, we have:

- continued to build on our number, place value, times table and calculation knowledge;

- completed some GPS practice around identifying word classes;

- read the classic poem ‘Jabberwocky' by Lewis Carroll which is full of nonsense words (otherwise known as Portmanteau words) which strangely (due to the sentence structures/ position of word classes in the English language) still suggest a storyline and make sense;

- learning how to perform a poem and the difference a performance can make to understanding;

- continued our swimming lessons for this academic year;

- developed our layered song in the ‘Here Come the Egyptians’ unit in Music, where, as a class, we sang in three parts (one in ‘D’, in ‘F’ and in ‘A’);

- thought more about light (beams travelling in straight lines) in contrast with dark (an absence of light/ shadows) and identifying sources of light in Science;

- enjoyed Mrs. Spencer’s assembly about ‘Making Your Mark’ through art inspired by the book ‘The Dot’ and took on her ‘create your own dot’ challenge;

- moved on with our humanities units about the importance of water across the world especially in Farming (Geography), the perfection of the Round City: Baghdad (History) and The Stories of the Prophets within the faith of Islam (Religion and Worldviews);

- and finalised the ground rules for our learning environment in PSHE.


Kites - Well done for another great week and your brilliant attitude during our visit from Mr Quayle from Witchford Village College. You showed a very sporting attitudes during our school council election speeches and some impressive speaking skills to boot!

Back to School – Week Beginning Monday 4th September

Welcome back! We do hope you all had an enjoyable summer and are raring to go after a restful break. Kite class have had a busy week catching up with our friends and getting settled in to our learning for the new school year.

This week, we have:

- reviewed our existing number, times table and calculation knowledge;

- read the story ‘Once Upon an Ordinary School Day' by Colin McNaughton and Satoshi Kitamura following the story of an ordinary boy until the moment his life became less ordinary. We paused the story at this moment, imaging what could happen when his life becomes less ordinary, and wrote our own creative endings;

- participated in our first swim lesson of this academic year;

- learnt the first part of a layered song in our ‘Here Come the Egyptians’ unit in Music, where as a class we sang in two parts (one in ‘D’, the other in ‘F’);

- found out about light by becoming beams of light (Year 6) in Science;

- started our humanities units about the importance of water across the world (Geography), The Round City: Baghdad (History) and The Stories of the Prophets within the faith of Islam (Religion and Worldviews);

- started learning about street art by creating a wildstyle style tag piece using our names as inspiration;

- and discussed the ground rules for our learning environment in PSHE.


You have also impressed us with your calm manner around the school and your kind welcome to your 'little buddies' from Ladybirds. Well done for a wonderful start to this academic year Kites!
