
Stretham Community Primary School


Rabbit Class

Week beginning 7th January 2025

Happy New Year!

Rabbits have started 2025 with some excellent work. One of the Maths lessons we have enjoyed this week has been exploring Mass with balance scales.

Last term our school PSA bought a new set of Beebot robots for developing programming skills in our Computing lessons. Rabbits have really enjoyed writing programmes for the Beebot to follow.

In Music this week we have been singing a traditional Scottish folk song. Ask your child to sing it.

It starts with ' My Bonnie lies over the ocean..........'

Have a lovely weekend and keep warm!


Week Beginning 9th December 2024

We are so proud of Rabbit Class for their Nativity performances this week and thank parents and carers for their support. Rabbits have still found time for rhyming words and music lessons where we focussed on tempo and dynamics.

Forest School on Thursday morning was enjoyed by everyone!

Have a good rest Rabbits as our last week before Christmas is coming up. It is another busy one!

Week beginning 2nd December 2024

Rabbits have been rehearsing their lines and practicing their songs ready for our performances next week!

They have been working really hard and we are looking forward to having a proper audience.

We have still had time to continue using apparatus to explore subtraction in Maths, learn about Mary Seacole in History and continue our whole class reading on 'Vlad and the Great Fire of London'.

Have a good rest this weekend Rabbits, we have a very exciting week ahead!


Week Beginning 25th November 2024

Rabbits had such a great time at our Christmas Craft Afternoon. It was lovely to see parents and our school is looking wonderful with the fabulous decorations.

In our phonic lessons we have been practicing -el words and in Maths we have been exploring 3D shapes and the number of faces and edges.

Our nativity is beginning to come together and we will be having more rehearsals next week!

Well done Rabbits!!

Week Beginning 18th November 2024


In Maths this week we have been working out our subtraction sums using tens and ones.

We have been thinking of questions about Florence Nightingale, as we begin our topic and we had a fabulous time on Superhero day. We have been making masks, cuffs, playing games and completing a dance workshop! It was great fun!

Have a great weekend Rabbits.

Week Beginning 11th November 2024

Rabbits have had another great week of learning!

We have been practicing writing -le words and writing amazing superhero mission stories.

We have created a thank you card to say Goodbye to our lovely cook and caretaker Mrs Marsh.

In Maths we have been working out subtraction calculations using our number bonds.

Have a fabulous weekend!

Week Beginning 4th November 2024

We hope you had a happy, restful half term holiday. Rabbits have come back ready to learn!

Our phonics this week has been using the diagraph 'wr'.

We have been using counters in our Maths lessons to help us with our addition work.

On Wednesday the NSPCC visited school to teach Rabbits about speaking out and staying safe.

In Computing this week we have used our school tablets to take digital photographs and have discussed landscape and portrait photographs.

We have been exploring mindful activities to help with our concentration and support our learning.

Well done Rabbits, have a lovely weekend!

Week beginning 21st October 2024


Wow Rabbits, what a busy week before half term! We certainly didn't slow down!

In our 'Religions and World Views' lesson we looked at the Hindu celebration of Diwali and created some beautiful Rangoli patterns.

We visited our school forest school area and had a fabulous time. 

In Maths, we played a dice game where we had to decide whether to add or subtract the numbers and on Friday afternoon we completed our 'Run for Fun' around the playground.

In Science we had a zoom call with Farmer Megan who told us all about her farm in Wales which she keeps with her husband. We met the cows, there are nearly 160, and were able to ask many, many questions which Farmer Megan answered.

Next time we speak to Farmer Megan we are going to meet the sheep. There are nearly 700 of them!


Thank you for being a fabulous class. Thank you parents for supporting your children. It was lovely to see you all at parent's evening. Have a wonderful half term holiday and keep safe.

Week Beginning 14th October 2024


Rabbits have really enjoyed our '5 a day' 5 minute exercise program. This is where we get to have a break from our learning to exercise our bodies! This week we completed a super hero and a magic themed routine. We were ready to learn once we had finished!

In Computing we have been thinking about how we use digital technology in school and at home and the rules we need to follow. We have discussed the need to have balance in our lives and not be on technology all the time.

Everyday in maths we complete 'Flash back 4' which is 4 questions on our prior learning in maths. We complete this on white boards and go through the answers together so we can learn from our mistakes.


A great week Rabbits, enjoy your weekend!

Week Beginning 7th October 2024

Rabbits had a very exciting start to the week with a visiting athlete and lots of exercise. It was great fun!

In English we have used Drama to bring the story of Traction man to life, created our own Traction Man books and added speech bubbles to our stories using post its.

In Maths we have been investigating odd numbers and were able to choose the equipment we felt would help us with our calculations.

We have continued our Science investigations into materials and this week looked at how to waterproof a piece of material with wax. We then set up a simple test with waterproof and non waterproof material to test out our scientific thinking.

Another great week Rabbits, enjoy your weekend and the photos below.

Week Beginning 30th September 2024

Rabbits have been writing diaries as our book character 'Traction Man'.

We have been comparing numbers in maths using the less and more than symbols > and <. We have also been successfully investigating lines of symmetry.

In music we have been exploring 'call and response' with percussion instruments.

We hope you enjoy our photos!

Week Beginning 23rd September 2024

In our history lesson this week we have been learning about The Great Fire of London. We observed a candle and imagined ourselves back in time!

We have started to create 3D maps in our art lessons.

As part of our preparation for Harvest festival, we drew and wrote what we are thankful for. We performed our song ' Cauliflowers Fluffy and Cabbages Green' in assembly. We performed brilliantly!

We have been exploring sides and vertices of 2D shapes using geoboards with elastic bands and an online digital geoboard.

Week Beginning 16th September 2024


Rabbits have had another busy week. Our learning has included;

- Exploring the book ' Traction Man' through writing and drama

-Using apparatus to investigate partitioning numbers up to 100 in Maths

- Investigating waterproof materials in Science.


We hope you enjoy our photos!





Week beginning 9th September 2024


We have had a very busy full week back but are working hard!

Some of the things we have been learning about are;

-Using dienes in Maths for 10 and 1


- Writing all about why we are special

- Phonics

- Investigating the number of sides of 2D shapes in Maths

-Learning a Harvest song

-Investigating the properties of materials in Science


We hope you enjoy our photos below!

Week Beginning 15th July 2024


Well, this will be the last post on our Rabbit Class webpage for this academic year and we thought you'd like to see some photos of our final visit to Forest School.


It's been a super year for all the children in Rabbit Class and we couldn't be more proud of them.  Thank you so much for all your help, support and friendly smiles this year.  We wish you all a very enjoyable summer break xx

Week Beginning 8th July 2024


A few highlights from the week include:

~ learning about Stonehenge in History

~ exploring language for position and movement in Maths

~ discussing families and what makes our families special in PSHE

~ exploring the variety of animals in different habitats across the world

~ finding out what is going on at our partner farm in Wales via a Zoom call with Megan the farmer

~ and not forgetting our 'Step & Stride' sponsored walk!

Week Beginning 1st July 2024


Another jam-packed week!  In Science, we enjoyed exploring microhabitats in the Explorers' Area and recording what and where we found various invertebrates. As promised, there are also some photos of our butterfly release, from the end of last week. 

Week Beginning 24th June 2024


What an exciting week it's been with Sports Day, our class assembly, transition morning and butterflies emerging from their chrysalides!  There is always so much happening at this time of the year.  The children came back from their first morning in Wren Class buzzing with excitement and enthusiasm - it was lovely to see.  Here are a few photos from the week so far.  Butterfly photos to follow. 

Week Beginning 17th June 2024


It was the Premier Sport Kickathon this week.  We were all invited to kick or throw a ball as hard as possible to see what maximum ball speeds we could reach.  We all did ourselves proud and have the certificates to show for it.  Let's hope it raises lots of sponsor money for the school.

In Computing this week, we used digital drawing tools (Scratch) to create an image. We all designed our own monsters - next week we will programme them to move! 

Week Beginning 10th June 2024


We finished our cave paintings this week by adding some prehistoric animals using stencils and our own hand prints.  We also learnt all about our ancestors being hunter-gatherers in the early Stone Age and played a fun game to consolidate our learning.

Week Beginning 3rd June 2024


Well, we've had a busy first week back after half term. We are all very excited about our new topic - The Stone Age.  We enjoyed listening to 'Stone Age Boy', by Satoshi Kitamura.  In this story, a young boy trips and falls down a dark hole to find himself in a very different time and place - Stone Age Britain!  Before writing a description of the Stone Age camp, we used drama to explore the various jobs that people might have been doing.

In Art, we explored cave paintings of the Stone Age - we're going to have a go at creating our own!  First, we had to produce a textured cave background using paints and a sponge.  We will add prehistoric animals using stencils and our handprints in the next lesson.

Week Beginning 20th May 2024


We ended this half term with a fantastic trip to Wicken Fen!  Despite the very wet weather, we had a brilliant time learning about how life used to be in the Fens.  After learning lots about local History in the classroom, it was great to explore real life artefacts in the Fen cottage and workshop.  We also extended our scientific knowledge of living things and their habitats with an excellent pond dipping session.  All in all, a super day!  Thank you so much for supporting this trip with your contributions and making arrangements for transport.



Week Beginning 13th May


In English, we finished reading a BBC version of Little Red Riding Hood. We had fun imagining the picnic shared by the characters at the end of the story (all except the wolf of course!) and the conversations that might have taken place.  We looked at how direct speech is used in stories and then even had a go at including some in our own writing.  This week we also enjoyed helping with the preparations for decorating our Stretham Feast float!  We chose 'The Twits' as our Roald Dahl book, as we enjoyed listening to it in class so much.

Week Beginning 6th May 2024


Another jam-packed week with lots of super learning.  We thoroughly enjoyed our visit to the Explorers' Area on Tuesday.  It was great to observe frogs and tadpoles in the pond as we have learnt all about the life cycle of the frog in Science.  We got to cook potatoes on the fire this time - delicious!  After our recent drumming workshop, it was also good to be able to practise playing rhythms in time with Mr Froment on his guitar. 

Week Beginning 29th April 2024


We continued learning about plants this week in Science.  We want to find out what a seed needs to grow into a healthy plant so, after lots of discussion in groups, we took some beans and decided how we could test what conditions give us the most healthy plant.  We are going to grow them under different conditions so that we can compare them.  For example, some of our beans won't get any water, others won't have soil and some won't get much sunlight because we are going to grow them under a box.  We predict that the beans with soil, water and sunlight will grow into the most healthy plants.  

Earlier in the week, we thoroughly enjoyed a brilliant drumming workshop with Tim, a visitor from Rhythmicity.  We met 'Sammy the Spider' and used our instruments to help tell the story of the day he made some rather special friends.


Week Beginning 22nd April 2024


What a busy week it's been for Rabbit Class!  A few highlights include:

  • exploring the village of Stretham, using our map skills and looking for clues to the past, thinking particularly about what different buildings may have been used for.
  • writing a recount of our walk around Stretham.
  • building on our knowledge of fractions, thinking about quarters and thirds.
  • investigating the strength of different 3D shapes, made from paper, and testing just how strong paper cylinders can be by applying an increasing number of books!
  • catching up with Farmer Megan from Wales (via zoom) and finding out all about the calves on the farm; a great follow-up to our learning about life cycles in Science. We all had questions to ask.  We also proudly announced the name of the dairy cow we have been allowed to name - Oreo!

Week Beginning 15th April 2024


We started our new topic on plants in Science.  After recapping some of our prior knowledge, we explored seed dispersal and the different ways a seed may travel away from the plant or tree it came from.  We had a go at making helicopter seeds from paper and observing how well they travelled inside and outside.

In DT, we conducted a test to see which 3D shape was the most stable.  Using the same piece of modelling clay, we made a sphere, a cuboid, a pyramid and a cylinder.  We placed each shape on a piece of card and then tilted the card until the shape toppled or rolled and recorded the height at which this happened.  We discovered a low pyramid and a cuboid were the most stable.

Week Beginning 25th March 2024


Well it may have been a shorter week, but we managed to squeeze in a lot - including our class assembly and watching the fantastic production, The Bee Musical, by Years 3 and 4.  After lots of super learning this term, we enjoyed making Easter cards and chocolate nests today.


Wishing you all a very enjoyable Easter break!

Week Beginning 18th March 2024


As part of our work on data handling, in Computing lessons, we will be looking at digital pictograms.  This week, one of our activities was to use a range of attributes to describe people.  It was a bit like playing 'Guess Who?'

In Maths we have been learning all about measure. We have already looked at length, height, mass, volume and capacity and this week we learnt about measuring temperature.  Here we are using thermometers to measure the temperatures of various beakers of water.

Week Beginning 11th March 2024


We love Science Week at Stretham! As well as a visit to a very wet and muddy Explorers’ Area this week, we enjoyed lots of Science to celebrate British Science week.  The theme this year was ‘time’ and Mrs Dunham challenged the whole school to make a pendulum that swings for exactly 30 seconds.  We had a lot a fun exploring pendulums and finding out what happens when you change the length of the string, the weight on the end of the string, or just how far you pull the weight back to start it swinging.  We also carried out an investigation to find out what happens to our heartrate during exercise, we explored the diversity of different jobs in science and we looked at the frog life cycle in more detail.  What a busy week!

Week Beginning 4th March 2024


What a fantastic week we've had, celebrating World Book Day! We fully embraced this year's theme of animals.  We started the week with a visit from The Animal Experience which was brilliant; we particularly enjoyed cuddling the meerkats.  We also did some research into African animals, which inked well to one of the stories we have read this week, The Ugly Five by Julia Donaldson.  We enjoyed many stories this week, as well as learning how to draw a story character and writing our own book reviews.

Week Beginning 26th February 2024


We've been measuring in Maths this week.  We had to measure the lengths and heights of different objects both inside and outside the school, using the units metres and centimetres.  We also thought about the language we use when comparing measurements (taller, tallest, shorter, shortest etc.).



Week Beginning 12th February 2024


In Music, we have been learning to play repeated rhythms to fit phrases about animals that you might see on safari.  This week we used percussion instruments to play the rhythms in time to some African music, thinking carefully about the dynamics.