
Stretham Community Primary School


Hedgehog Class 2021

Summer Term 2022

Week beginning 18th July 2022

What a fabulous day we had at Wicken Fen on Wednesday! First, we had a safety talk from Chris in the education room and then we went off to our first activity - pond dipping! We found so many interesting creatures - water beetles, water boatmen, water snails, and much more! After a snack we went on a minibeast hunt - looking under logs, sweeping the long grasses and shaking the trees. After lunch, we had a fun session getting 'connected with nature'. We looked through frames to find wonderful views, studied and matched the different colours in nature and listened to the different sounds in nature. What a wonderful day - enjoy looking at all the pictures!

This week has been a time for reflecting on all we have achieved together this year. We had a wonderful time looking at our drawing of ourselves - one drawing we did in September and one we did this week! Look how we have improved in our drawing of people!

We ended our time together on Friday having a lovely picnic party! We enjoyed milkshake and biscuits (the request of Iris) and had a special time saying good bye to Mrs Strong and to Iris. We will miss them both.

Mrs Oakman and I would like to thank you for your support this year and wish you all a wonderful summer holiday!

Week beginning 11th July 2022

With the hot weather this week, we have all enjoyed our swimming lessons. We have all been practising swimming on our fronts, getting much more confident, as well as floating and swimming on our backs!


We had two lovely highlights on Friday; the first was time with Teddy our Therapy dog and his owner Carly. We asked lots of questions about how he needed to be looked after and all enjoyed a stroke!

We then had a lovely time at Forest School! We did wonderful bug hunts finding different insects, looked to see if the frogs have grown in the pond and had a cool time in the trees!

Week beginning 4th July 2022

We have been waiting patiently for the swimming pool to open...and this week it has! We had a fantastic time swimming this week and can't wait for our next lesson.

In Music, we have been using the instruments to create different sounds.

We had great fun in Maths on Thursday, learning about units of time. We had lots of 1 minute challenges to complete and now know that 60 seconds is the same as one minute.

Week beginning 27th June 2022

What a wonderful start to the week - our 'Step and Stride' sponsored walk on Tuesday morning! We had a lovely walk to Little Thetford (or very nearly!), enjoying a drink and a biscuit half way and a refreshing ice pop on our return. Well done Hedgehogs - you were all amazing!

We have been learning about adding the suffix 's' or 'es' to nouns, to make plurals! 

In Maths, we have been working with numbers up to 100! Today we tested our knowledge by seeing how many different facts and visual representations we knew about different two-digit numbers!

We ended the week with a lovely time at Forest School, making popcorn! Yum!

Week beginning 20th June 2022

In Maths, this week Hedgehog Class have been consolidating their understanding of place value, extending to numbers up to 100. We have partitioned tens and ones, ordered and calculated one more / ten more.

In Art, we have been looking at pattern and lines; we all used clay to make lovely patterned snail shells. 

Our text this week has Elmer - a wonderful patchwork elephant who realises it's brilliant to be different! We thought about ways in which we are all amazingly different, made colourful elephant masks and on Friday we celebrated 'Elmer Day'! We took our elephants to the watering hole (our refurbished swimming pool!) so we could have a look at the sparkly water! We then enjoyed a refreshing ice-pop, sitting in the shade! Happy Elmer Day everyone!

Week beginning 13th June 2022

This week in Music, we have continued to listen to different pieces of music, responding with musical instruments and moving our bodies in different ways.

We had a great time at Forest School on Friday! The trees meant it was very shady in the heat, which was very welcome! We made wonderful 'twiggy owls' (thank you Mrs Chalk) and enjoyed all the usual outdoor exploring and learning. We even had time for an ice-cream! Yum!

Week beginning 6th June 2022

This half term we are learning all about animals! We have started finding out about birds this week. We learned that birds cover their feathers with oil to make them waterproof; this got us thinking...what other materials are waterproof? We have been working scientifically to investigate waterproof and absorbent materials - we even recorded our findings by ourselves.

In Art, we had a great time designing and making our own animals out of junk modelling.

In Maths, we have been learning all about position and direction. We have been using the vocabulary forwards, backwards, left and right, as well as quarter, half and three quarter turns. We have had great fun giving our learning partners instructions to move around a grid and create the same shape pattern...of course we had to use the right vocabulary!

Week beginning 23rd May 2022

What a busy last before the half term holiday!


On Monday afternoon we had a super time at Forest School. We enjoyed looking at the wildlife in the pond and we saw a few frogs and sooooo many tadpoles! We also identified different trees, linking into our Science work this half term.

In Maths, we have been learning about fractions - halves and quarters. We are getting very good at dividing objects and numbers into two or four parts and making sure they are EQUAL!

What a fantastic afternoon we had at our garden party on Wednesday afternoon, to celebrate the Queen's platinum jubilee. We enjoyed a fun carousel of games on the field, ate our platinum pudding and had a drink; we then watched maypole dancing, sang the national anthem and were presented with a jubilee coin by Stretham Parish Council. Lots of memories to cherish!

Week beginning 16th May 2022

At last in DT, it was time to make our fruit smoothies! We had a choice of three different smoothie recipes, using a wide variety of different fruits. We chopped, blended, poured and then tasted! They were all delicious!

We had LOTS of fun at our Sports Day on Thursday morning! We all enjoyed running, doing our hoop race and cheering on others! The ice pops afterwards were a real treat too! Thank you to everyone for coming to watch and cheer us on!

On Friday afternoon it was our very first Class Assembly! We enjoyed sharing our learning with the other classes and our parents.

Week beginning 9th May 2022

We have been brilliant this week, at using our phonic knowledge to segment to spell new words.

We are continuing with our DT project and this week we designed our packaging for our smoothies! 

Look at our wonderful pastel flower drawings! We really enjoyed learning how to use pastels and quickly realised you could get very messy! Don't our finished pieces of art look amazing!

Week beginning 2nd May 2022

Although this week has only been 4 days, Hedgehog Class have packed so much into our week. 


We have been learning all about fruit and vegetables - thinking carefully about whether they have seeds, in which case they are fruits! We studied different seeds and bulbs noticing the variety of shapes and sizes, planted bean seeds (which we hope will grow into tall beanstalks that we can climb up, through the clouds!) and explored printing using potatoes.

In DT, ready for making our fruit smoothies, we looked at lots of different fruit, practised our cutting skills and then tasted them! Some fruits were new for us to taste - some we liked and some we didn't!

We ended our week with a wonderful morning at Cromwell Primary School, participating in the 'Get Active Festival'. It was so much fun doing a carousel of 5 activities, lead by Sports Leaders from the Secondary School. 

Week beginning 25th April 2022

This week we have enjoyed reading the fairy tale 'Jack and the Beanstalk'. We made stick puppets and retold the story orally before writing it. Our writing is fantastic, using full stops and capital letters, conjunctions and adjectives!