
Stretham Community Primary School


Wren Class 2021

Week beginning 18th July 


What a strange start to the week!  Due to the low water pressure, school was closed on Monday and Tuesday.  Well done to all of you who managed to do work at home in the searing heat.  On Wednesday, we made our own model of the Great Library of Alexandria to finish off our History topic, we made shadow puppets and performed our own plays in DT and also had a go at some relaxing origami.  On Thursday, we carried out a scientific experiment to see whether the shape of a teabag has any impact on the strength of the tea that can be brewed from it.  We also had a fun outdoor Maths session which involved measuring the capacity of different containers.  We finished off our PE and Computing topics for the year.  Our last day tomorrow will involve plenty of craft activities, to give you some inspiration for the summer holidays!  It has been a real pleasure to teach you this year, Wren Class.  I will miss you and I am sending you every good wish for a lovely summer!  Please continue to work hard next year and I am sure that you will achieve all of your learning goals :-)  Best wishes from Mrs. Krajewski

Week beginning 11th July


We have had a lovely week in Wren class this week.  In Science, we have been working scientifically to devise an experiment to see how different colour dyes move at different speeds when immersed in water.  In English, we have composed our own limericks and in DT we have made and decorated papier mache flower pots.  It has been a very hot week, so we have had lots of breaks for ice pops too!  Next week will be even warmer, so please make sure that you have your water bottle in school, wear plenty of suncream and have a wide-brimmed hat with you to protect during the short periods that we will be outside.

Week beginning 27th June


This week, we have started rehearsals for our school production in earnest.  Wrens have done a great job of rehearsing the songs "Monopoly", "Go to Jail", "The Seven-Sided Dice" and "Engineers and Stationmasters".  In Art, we have been fine-tuning our sketching techniques by drawing our own soft-toys in Art lessons.

Week beginning 20th June


This week, we have been working very hard on research and performing for our class assembly.  We have found out lots of facts about recycling.  On Friday, we performed our songs "Step into Stretham" and "It's the End of the World As We Know It".  The children all worked so hard on making their props, learning their lines and singing their hearts out - we are very proud of them!

Week beginning 13th June


This week, we have been starting to prepare for our class assembly, which will fall during Recycling Week.  You are very welcome to join us for the class assembly, which will be next Friday at 2.30pm.  We have been learning all about recycling and how we can minimize the amount of rubbish that we generate.  We were astonished to learn how long it takes things to biodegrade.  It has been calculated that a glass bottle could take a million years to biodegrade!  We have been making art from recyclable materials, acting out short drama activities about the environment and learning the songs for our assembly. 

In English, we have watched a short visual prompt called "The Clocktower" and written a first person narrative based on this.  In Maths, we have been continuing to learn about angles and shape.

On Wednesday, we were very lucky to have had a visit from Mrs. Angela Dix, who is a governor as well as an ambassador for promoting an understanding of Ancient Greek in primary schools.  We really enjoyed our fun, interactive session!

Week beginning 6th June


This week, we have been reading the story "The Barnabus Project" in English.  We have created own hybrid creatures and written a piece of descriptive writing about them.

In History, we have been acting out the story of Alexander the Great, and practised holding sarissas in different positions as part of a phalynx.

In Art, we have been drawings cartoons in the style of Giles.

Week beginning 23rd May


This week, we have enjoyed making and evaluating our own seasonal tarts.  In History, we have been reading the story of the Odyssey - writing about it and acting it out.  Our performances were very convincing!  We had fun at the Jubilee Games afternoon on Wednesday.  As part of the Jubilee Afternoon, we were also presented with a special commemorative coin. 

Recipe for Seasonal Tart Here is the recipe for the seasonal tart that we made today in Wrens Class.

Week beginning 16th May


This week, we have been continuing to investigate electricity and have created our own working circuits.  We have tested a range of materials to find out which ones are conductors and insulators.  On Tuesday, we visited Denny Abbey and the Farmland Museum, where we learnt about how farming methods have changed over the past 400 years.  We were able to explore inside the Abbey and Refectory, as well as investigate the wonderful 1800s farmhouse - that is still kitted out like a traditional 1940s house.  On Thursday, we celebrated Sports Day and Emerald house were delighted to be the overall winners!

Year 3 and 4 Class Trip to Denny Abbey

Week beginning 9th May


This week, we have continued to explore our theme "Volcanoes" by reading the story "Journey to the Centre of the Earth."  We have written our own accounts of what we might experience if we were to make our own perilous journey under the ground.  In Maths, we have started to revise time and have been learning how many days are in each month.  We have solved complex word problems where we have needed to find out how many hours are in a set number of days and weeks.  In DT, we have investigated seasonal fruits and made Japanese Fruit Skewers which we baked in the oven.  In Science, we have continued to investigate electricity by making our own circuits.

Week beginning 2nd May


This week, Wrens have participated in Bikability and also created a volcanic eruption to see how we can reproduce an eruption using household ingredients.  In English, we have continued to research volcanoes and in Maths we have been investigating fractions.

Week beginning 25th April


This week, we have researched volcanoes to gather information for our own information report.  We have been investigating fractions in Maths.  In RE, we have been learning about the story of Joseph and his Coat of Many Colours.  In PE, we have been learning about the skills needed to play rounders and started our own competitive game.

Week beginning 18th April


Welcome back to a new school term!  Although it has only been a three day school week, we have been very busy.  In English, we have been reading nature poems including "Daffodils" by William Wordsworth.  We have read some examples of Japanese haiku poetry and had a go at writing and performing our own haikus.  Haikus always have to be about nature and follow a 5-7-5 syllable pattern.  In Maths, we have been investigating Fractions and we have been learning about volcanoes in Geography.  On Friday, we made our own models from plasticine to show the four layers of the earth (inner core, outer core, mantle and crust).

Week beginning 28th March


This week, Wrens have been continuing to edit their animal stories and have produced some wonderful work.  In PE, we have played lots of bench ball and continued to work on their gymnastic skills.  We have been getting very confident using the equipment.  In Science, we have been working hard at classifying animals according to their characteristics.


I hope that you will have a wonderful and relaxing Easter break, and I look forward to welcoming you all back at the start of the Summer term!

Best wishes, Mrs. Krajewski

Week beginning 21st March


This week, we have continued to work on our animal stories.  We have been using fronted adverbials to make our setting descriptions sound more powerful.  In Science, we have been classifying invertebrates and we were also very lucky to have a visit from the Animal Experience, where we were able to see some reptiles at very close quarters!


Week beginning 7th March


This week, we have investigated the different uses of apostrophes in our English lessons. We have also investigated how using fronted adverbials in our writing can make our work more interesting.  In Maths, we have explored fractions and made fraction walls to help us to find equivalent fractions.  We have learned about pastoral farming in Geography and ancient Greek cities in History.  In PSHE, we have thought about the different ways in which we can pay for something and discussed how we can use money responsibly.

Spring Term Overviews

Week Beginning 28th February


This week has been a most exciting one!  As well as all our usual learning, we have managed to fit in Pancake Day and Pancake Races, World Book Day, Explorers Area... 

Explorers Area - Mud, Pancakes and Signs of Spring!

Maths - Fractions. We have been reminding ourselves of fraction vocabulary; denominator, numerator, unit fractions and non-unit fractions

Week beginning 21st February


This week, Wren class has been reading the story "Windhover" by Alan Brown and Christian Birmingham.  We have collected verbs and adjectives to describe young birds and have written our own descriptive pieces.  In Maths, Year 4 have been investigating the area of shapes.  In Science, we have been grouping animals according to their attributes.

Week beginning 7th February


In Wrens class this week, we have continued to work on our own short suspense stories in English.  In Science, we have carried out an investigation to observe the changing state of different solids when they are heated and to establish what the melting point for each substance is.  In History, we have learnt about how the Indus people made pottery and in Geography we have learnt about the expansion of London over time.  

I wish everyone a wonderful half term, see you all again after the break!

Week beginning 31st January


This week we have read the short suspense story "Staying Out" and looked at how to make our writing show an air of suspense using short sentences and similes.  We have planned our own stories and will start writing these up next week.  

In RE, we have been learning the story of the birth of Ganesh and have worked in groups to create posters to show what we have learned about Hinduism.  In History, we have looked at the technology of the Indus people and in Geography we have thought about what makes a city different to a town or a village and looked at some examples.  In French, Year 3 have been describing people and pets and Year 4 have been learning about the weather.


Week beginning 17th January


This week, we have started reading the story of "Oliver Twist" and have been creating diary entries written from Oliver's perspective.  We have also thought about different points of the plot and acted them out using our drama skills.  In Science, we have been looking at States of Matter and measuring the temperature of water in different forms.

Week beginning 10th January


What a busy week we have had this week!  We have finished off our beautiful artwork for the exhibition and we have been exploring vocabulary in our English lessons.  We have created a piece of writing comparing a forest setting to a busy city setting.  In Maths, we have continued to investigate written methods for multiplication.  In Science, we have begun to investigate states of matter and learn the properties of solids, liquids and gases.  We have also been learning about Hindu traditions in R.E and the differences between hamlets, villages, towns and cities in Geography.  In PE, we have been creating a dance routine around the theme of a "super spy".

Week beginning 3rd January


Welcome back to a new term!  This week, Year 4 have been learning about the life and work of Henri Matisse with Mrs. Krajewski and Year 3 have been learning about Gustav Klimt with Miss Johnson.  We have used the techniques of these great artists to create our own masterpieces and have also written a short biography about their lives.  In Maths, we have been focusing on written methods for calculation.




Week beginning 6th December


This week, we have been looking at the short story "Elf Road" and creating our own imaginative pieces of writing about an incredible, delicious elf feast.  We have been finishing off our wren decorations in DT (sewing).

Week beginning 29th November


This week we have explored tempo and beat in music and listened to the classical piece "In the Hall of the Mountain King" by Edvard Grieg.  We used different percussion instruments to join in with the composition.


We have continued to learn about Mount Everest and have created our own factfiles about the Himalayan region.

Week beginning 22nd November 2021


This week, we have been exploring Sound in Science lessons, learning about Hinduism, continuing to explore the theme of "Mountains" and having fun with Christmas crafts.

Autumn Term 2021



Autumn 2 Homework - Wrens

Week Beginning Monday 15th November

Week beginning 8th November 2021

Week beginning Monday 5th November



This week, we have been learning about Firework Night and Guy Fawkes.  We have written poems about Firework Night and created firework pictures.

Week Beginning 18th October 2021

In Maths, we have been learning written methods for addition using a place value grid and counters.

We have been painting our canopic jars in Art this week. We learnt in History that Egyptians liked 'order' so keeping this in mind, we used appropriate colours and patterns to cover our jackals!

Week Beginning 11th October 2021

In English we have been reading Marcy and the Riddle of the Sphinx by Joe Todd Stanton, this is an adventure story where Marcy must rescue her adventurer father. On Friday we began to plan our own story based upon an Egyptian adventure, we will be writing our stories this coming week from our plans.

In our Science lesson this week we worked with our learning partners to match the meanings to words linked to our studies about Food Chains.

Last Friday we began to create our very own Canopic Jars. These jars were first used by the Ancient Egyptians when they mummified the bodies of the dead. The jars were used to store the heart, lungs and brain. First we covered a Pringles tube with Paper Mache and left it to dry. This week we started to paint our jars. Each layer needs to be really dry before we can start the next stage.

Week beginning 4th October 2021

We finished our paintings of harvest vegetables in time for our Harvest Festival. We all enjoyed experimenting with watercolours to recreate a mixture of leeks, pumpkins and squahes.

This week in Science we recreated the processes of the human digestive system. All the children were able to remember the main stages of our digestive system during this fun practical lesson. As you can see from the photos we all had great fun recreating the human digestive system!

Week beginning 27th September 2021

In Art this week we have been using water colours to paint pictures of vegetables in preparation for Harvest. First, we looked at the range of colours we could see and experimented making these different tones and shades in our sketchbook. Next we spent some time drawing a still life scene of different squashes and pumpkins. Finally we got to use the water colour paints! Even though we found some of the work tricky we were all really proud of the finished results.

Week beginning 20th September 2021

Our Science investigation this week looked at the impact of different types of liquids on our teeth. We used egg shells as they are a close match to the enamel on our teeth. The liquids we used were: orange juice, coca cola, milk, water, orange squash and vinegar. There was quite a lot of noise when the children discovered how these liquids affected the egg shell....

This week we completed our Pharaoh crowns and collars. We used pastels to add our designs to the paper.

Week beginning 13th September 2021

In Maths we continued our learning about place value. We used counters and Dienes to represent 3 and 4 digit numbers.

In Science we planned and carried out a comparative test. We investigated the taste, smell, colour and the toothpaste's ability to scrub! We had lots of fun.

Week beginning 6th September 2021

In our first PE session, our focus was control. We are building on last year's skills and taking these a step further to challenge ourselves!

In Art this week, we have started enlarging our pharaoh hat designs. We used oil pastels for the first time and had a go at smudging! Our fingers got very messy...

Week beginning 30th August 2021

Wren Class should be so proud of how well they have settled into their new classroom and routines! We have enjoyed doing lots of different activities but our favourite was definitely designing our very own Pharaoh hats! We can't wait to make them into a piece of artwork.
