
Stretham Community Primary School



History at Stretham Primary School




At Stretham Community Primary School we aim to inspire our young historians to develop their curiosity to know more about Britain’s past and that of the wider world. We want to foster a long-term curiosity which goes beyond the classroom and stays with the pupils into the future.

The history curriculum follows a chronological approach which supports children’s understanding of how and why changes have happened allowing them to build an understanding of how events in the past have influenced our lives today. Through a range of high-leverage approaches, children are given opportunities to learn both substantive and disciplinary knowledge. Through studying history, the children will practise the methods of historical enquiry and understand how evidence is diligently used to make historical claims and learn how and why contrasting arguments and interpretations of the past have been constructed.

The children will be introduced to concepts such as continuity and change, cause and consequence, similarity, difference and significance. Subject-specific vocabulary is built-on and developed throughout the pupils’ learning and as a result, they begin to make connections, draw contrasts, analyse trends, and pose historically-valid questions to create their own structured accounts and analyses.

Stretham Primary School encourages visits and visitors as well as working closely with Ely Museum to maximise enrichment opportunities in order to support the learning of our pupils through a range of artefact boxes, visits and experiences to bring our history to life.

We strive to inspire all pupils to fulfil their potential, regardless of background, gender, ethnic origin or additional needs, cultivating a love of history whilst developing their knowledge, understanding and skills as a historian.


Our learning follows the national curriculum and is supported by Opening Worlds, a knowledge-rich humanities programme.

Pupil Voice:


“I loved the great fire of London – It started in Pudding Lane!”

“The Roman Day was great fun! We did artefact handling and learning about Constantine and other emperors.”

“I liked it when we were acting out Hannibal and the elephants!”

A snapshot of History at Stretham

